Living Arrangements

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Two chapters in one day?! Damn, you guys are lucky... hope you guys are liking the story so far. I'll try to update somewhat regularly but no promises. 


After the boring ride on the monorail, which was luckily pretty short, Sam and I found the Main Directory. Quickly making our way towards the desk, we were stopped by a lanky woman.

"Are you Keres Johnson?" She asked quickly. Her eyeliner was smudged underneath her eye giving away a tired look, which I was sure wasn't fake. I nod once, dropping Sam's hand to shake the women's hand. "Great, walk with me." She demands, spinning on her heel and speed walking through the building. "My name is Claire Dearing, I am the park's operations manager. This is your room key and your hotel number is 2030." I fumble with the key card she tossed haphazardly over her shoulder. Sam grabs it from me as we drag all of our suitcases behind us. "Your day starts at  8:00 am and finishes when all of your jobs are done. You'll be reporting to Owen Grady in the raptors containment, he'll let you know what to do." She leads the way up, two staircases. "With your room card, you will get all of your meals free and easy access to the parks 4-wheelers. Any questions?" 

"No, ma'am," I answer. She flashes me a tired but appreciative smile. 

"Brillant. You will be meeting Owen in 30 minutes then." She stops at the door to our home for the foreseeable future and hands me a card. "If you need me or have any questions, call. I have a feeling we will get along quite well." She pats my shoulder before spinning on her heel and storming off in her insanely tall heels. Both Sam and I share a surprised look. I shrug, placing the room key on the sensor which then lights up green. I unlock the door and the room stuns me. 

Light bleeds in, out of a cracked window, giving us both the view of a lifetime. Sam and I watch in awe as the fin of the Mosasaur splashes down in the water creating a rainbow effect over the Innovation Center which stands proud and tall in the center of the park. Sam squeals launching himself onto one of the two queen-sized beds.

"Don't jump on the beds." I remind him of the same thing I have been every time we go to a hotel.

"Oops. Nanananana." He teases standing up to jump once again. I grab the pillow on my own bed, launching it at great speeds towards his head. The power of the collision makes him fall back down giggle before reach to pummel me with the same trick. Almost instantaneously pillows are flying everywhere. 

I place a hand on my stomach to calm my giggling as we both settle down. "Sam, since I might be working all day, I won't be here to watch over you for a while and quite frankly, I don't feel comfortable with you being alone all day, but I'm going to leave it up to you. There are people here to watch over you and take you places and on rides. Or you can stay here and in the Innovation Center until I get off." Sam nods, his face screwed up to think.

"Can I think about it?" I smile softly ruffling his hair before nodding. 

"Yeah, stay here though for the night. I don't want you to leave the room, when I go to meet up with Mr. Grady, ok?" Sam grin mischievously. I shoot him a suspicious glare. "I'm serious, Mr." 

"Fine. Yeah, yeah. I'll stay inside and out of trouble." I nod once, pecking his forehead before standing up. 

"Good. Now I'm going to get going, stay safe and there is snacks in the brown bag if you get hungry." I tell him, snatching up the key card, my phone, and sunglasses. Before you make a move to exit the room, your phone begins to ring. 


"There's been a change in plans, Miss. Johnson. No need to worry about meeting up with Mr. Grady anymore. Settle in and get some rest." Ms. Dearling tells me rushed before hanging up. Confused, I glance at my phone but shrug and settle back down to watch TV with Sam.

{Time skip}

As my alarm goes off at 7, I quickly silence it as to not wake my sleeping brother. I toss on a camo vest and black jeans before scribbling out a note for Sam. 

Left for work. Be back toward lunch for 30 mins. Stay either in the room or in the Innovation Center. $30 for food on your phone. Call me if you need anything and text when you leave the room. 

- K

I stick the post-it note to his forehead before slipping out the door. I jog down to the main floor of the hotel, surprised to see it bustling with people. I ring the bell at the front desk, and a man quickly makes his way over. "Hey, I'm Eric. I supervise the Raptor Paddock. I'm assuming you're the  new assistant handler that Claire sent me to help." I nod quietly taking in my surroundings. "She mentioned you weren't much of a talker. Anyways, here the key to your 4-wheeler. Trust me, don't lose that. It's a long walk to work." Eric pops the joke, stirring a slight grin out of me. "And this is your baby. This is where you'll park here for the night and some workers will make sure she's good to go for you in the morning." I follow along, slotting the golden key into the cart, making it come alive with a purr. Eric jumps in his own before peeling out of the lot, leading the way to the paddock. 

What was I in for?

So I hope you enjoyed the 2nd chapter of the book. Again sorry, it's not the exact same as the OG's but if you would rather read them then go ahead. Anyways, if you could comment or vote, just anything to let me know you're enjoying reading the book, it'd be really appreciated. 


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