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I told you I'd be spamming 3 chapters and am. Although leaving you all on a cliff hanger sounded like fun, I'm not that much of a bad person so don't worry too much about that. On another note, I will be trying to update more, after vacation but I can't promise anything. I really hope you enjoy the last chapter of this spam update. Comment and votes do make me write faster and post more so if you do want a few chapters early a nice comment goes a long way. *wink wink*


 I suck in a breathe as human bodies form in front of me, tall and well-muscled. My mind goes blank as the realization; they were all naked forms in my mind. I stop breathing as the man where Echo stood takes a step forward, a hand reached out.

"Hiya Princess."

Then darkness.


Echo's POV

I watch in horror as Mate's body goes slack and Blue jolts forward, catching her before she hits the ground. 

"Nice job dingus. Really blew that one." Delta smacks the back of my head and I swat his hands away. 

"I didn't mean to. I guess we really just surprised her." 

"More like your face did."

"Because it was too hot for her to handle." 

"That's enough." Charlie shoves both of us to the side as he meets Blue on the other side of Mate. "Is she okay?" He asks watching as Blue runs his hands along her sides and behind her head.

"I don't feel any injuries other than the one Delta caused." Delta snarls at our Beta's words. "But that wouldn't cause her to pass out. I think it's just stress. Which means she should wake up soon." I slump in relief. Blue presses a soft kiss to Mate's forehead and I smile lightly watching her features relax. Although she consciously hadn't made the mate connection to us. Which I assume was out of fear, her body still recognized us as strong males able to provide protection for her. The thought makes my chest swell in pride. I guess there's hope for us still. Charlie eyes the sleeping girl, his eyes darkening in what I assume to be protectiveness. He must have come to the same conclusion that I had and his body was reacting the same as mine had. Keres whimpers clutching at Blue's bare chest and jealous scratches at my gut. 

"Calm yourselves. I won't be taking Mate asleep nor will I be separating her from any of you. The only person to do that will be Mate herself." Blue's strong command does little to soothe my concerns. Blue was the strongest in the pack. It made sense Mate's body reacting stronger to him than anyone else. That doesn't mean it didn't hurt any less. My brother moves into the cave setting the small human down. I take immeasurable pleasure when she curls away from Blue's warmth and further into the cool wall. I knew the habitat they kept us in was quite hot and humid which most likely made in unbearably hot in Blue's arms but I couldn't help but take the move as a sign of reject towards my strongest brothers. Blue must have taken the action the same way judging by his frozen posture and glaring gaze at Mate. "Mine." He rumbles his annoyingly overbearing scent of testosterone making me roll my eyes. No wonder Mate passed out. All the emotions from the males surrounding her had to make her head hurt. 

"What are we going to do when she wakes up?" Charlie, ever the level headed one, asks. 

"We tell her everything." I can hear the eye roll from Charlie from across the cave.

"No dip shithead." He grumbles approach the sleeping Mate. He brushes the sweat plastered hair from her forehead and she murmurs quietly. 

"We'll tell her about the bond, who we are, and most importantly that we don't hate her." Blue expands on his earlier statement. I tentatively approach my mate peering over Charlie's shoulder as Delta leans against the cave wall near her feet. Charlie's hand brushes against her cheek and her head swats it away. 

"Go away. It's too early. Leave me alone." My breath hitches at her relaxed tone. "Sam." I stumble back. Sam? Who. The. Fuck. Is. Sam?! I snarl storming from the entrance of the cave, my gut twisting in displeasure. Anger rolls off of me and I shift quickly running through the forest making sure to stay out of sight of cameras. 

Blue's POV

"Sam." My vision fills with red and I lash out at a wall. How dare Mate think of another man in her sleep?!  I'll kill him! I ignore the burning pain in my head, drawing back and punching the wall once more before leaning my forehead against the coolness. I need to relax. Question her when she wakes. Then, take matters into my own hands. She's mine. 

"Also, Mate and I are going to have a long discussion on who the fuck Sam is." Delta snarls at the name, nodding in agreement to my claim. 

Charlie's POV

"Sam." I roar in panic. Mate is going to leave. Mate already has a mate. She's going to leave. She won't accept us. Mate is leaving. Mate. I stumble back landing on the ground in front of her bed with a pained whine. I am vaguely aware of Echo storming out, wanting to follow but frozen in place by panic. My chest hurt as I realize that we probably never had a chance with Mate from the start. 

"Also, Mate and I are going to have a long discussion on who the fuck Sam is." I can't help but agree with my brother wholeheartedly. 

Delta's POV

Mate's lips capture my attention so much so, I almost miss her next words. "Sam." My heart stutters to a stop as she whispers another man's name. I jump at Charlie's roar and again as Blue punches the cave's wall. Anger pinches my gut as I stare Mate down. Her body shifts in response to all of our anger and I exhale deeply before a thought hits me. I breathe in fast taking in lungfuls of Mate's soft scent. Her feminine air wraps my head in a fog almost making me forget what my mission was. I sort through her scent look for a male scent twisted into hers. Only vaguely I can smell another male but it's light so I know it's nothing serious that she is claimed. Relief fills my veins and a look around my brothers I realized they haven't come to the same conclusion I have. 

"Also, Mate and I are going to have a long discussion on who the fuck Sam is." I agree. 

Another cliff hanger? Mmmmm YEAH. Again if you guys want to see anything in the story comment. And if you want me to update comment and vote! Thank y'all love you lots.

Word Count: 1156


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