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Hey, y'all! This is chapter dos in my spam update. I am trying to make these chapters as long as possible but I can't promise anything too extreme. I tend to keep my chapters around 1,000 words so it doesn't become too overbearing for me. This also makes sure I'm not hit by too much writer's block. Anyways enough with my rambling. I hope you've enjoyed the book so far!


A few days have passed since the raptor incident, and everything seemed to have slowed down and calmed out. Boy, am I grateful. Owen and I have only grown closer and I have attempted to avoid any confrontation with the raptors, which because of the lack of problems, I assume they enjoy. 

The most I am in contact with the reptiles is during feeding. And even then it's limited. I usually dump their food into their bowls when the gates are down. Ignoring obviously, the raptors stares that seem to follow me wherever I'm in their sight. Probably planning on eating me where I stand. After I place their food into their separate bowls, I exit the feeding room and open the gates. 9 times out of ten the raptors flip their bowls before eating the food of the ground and sitting on the metal container. Shows how much they like me. They'd rather eat the food off of the concrete than out of something I've touched. 

I roll my eyes in annoyance once again as I walk by the raptor's cages. 3 out of the 4 press up against it whining and snapping attempting to get at me. Owen chuckles as I stare at the rabid reptiles in disbelief. 

"They really do hate you." He chuckles wrapping an arm around my shoulder. The snarls double, this time Charlie joining in. I grimace pushing his arm away. 

"No need to give them more reason." Owen shakes his head with an amused grin before messing up my hair. 

"I can't help the raptors hating you!" He calls over his shoulder. I scowl at him before huffing and following him towards the control center. Whines fill the air instead of growls which confuses me. Why would they be whining for me leaving? My eyes shoot to Owen's retreating back. Oh...! I'm selfish. Of course, they weren't whining for me but for Owen. I snort jogging up so I'm in pace with the trainer. "They're really attached to you." I chuckle. He shoots me a confused look. 

"What?" I sigh, before explaining myself.

"The raptors. They're always whining when you leave." Owen shoots me another confused look.

"No, they don't." I facepalm.

"Then what are they doing now?" I ask. Owen finally becomes aware of the serious whining behind us and he looks at the killer reptiles in surprise. 

"They've never done that to me before..."

"Well, they sure as hell aren't doing it for me." I chuckle as I pull the control room door open. 

"But why now?" I shrug as an answer to his question.

Echo's POV

I puff out my chest yelping loudly as Mate comes into view. She's so pretty... She glances at me and I growl out a hello presenting myself as a fine mate for her. Please pay attention to me! She rolls her eyes instead and my confidence deflates. Maybe my scales are dirty? I scan my sides once again finding no dirt or mud. 

My two older brothers, realizing our mate was near rush up to the gate to greet her. "Come in! Come in!" They whine reaching out for her. I watch in confusion as she deflates and runs a hand through her hair. I whine meeting my brothers at the fence, opening my jaws as to attempt to catch some part of her to pull her closer to me. Delta follows my lead trying to get her to come closer. We watch in annoyance as Alpha walks up to Mate casually. I want to be able to do that! Stupid gate! I snarl at him in anger. Get away from her! My snarls only increase when he slings an arm over her shoulder. This time Charlie joins us at the gate growling loudly.

"Move away from her Alpha!" He snarls pacing angrily. Blue moves to snap at Charlie for his disrespect but is distracted by Owen. My mate removes Alpha's arm which makes our growls quiet. Mate's eyes darken and her shoulders slump in defeat. Alpha ruffles her hair and she turns to glare at her before her eyes shoot back to us. 

"I can't help the raptors hating you!" Alpha calls over his shoulder and Mate sigh lightly her eyes dark with defeat. Us hating her? No. They've got it completely backward! I quiet my growls as she turns to follow Alpha.

"NO! Mate! Come back..." Delta whimpers after her. I cock my head slightly at her retreating back. 

"She thinks we hate her?" I tell my pack mates and brothers. Their heads whip towards me.

"What?!" Charlie demands, stepping closer to me. "How do you know that?" I roll my eyes curling my tail underneath me.

"Didn't you hear what Alpha said? He literally told her we did." My brother chew on this. 

"So you're telling me, every time we try to get near to her, she's taking it as a sign of aggression?" Blue considers. "That would explain a lot. She isn't turning down our mating calls, she just doesn't understand them!" Hope lights in my stomach and I squirm in appreciation. 

"Stupid Alpha! Putting the wrong ideas in our perfect mate's mind." Delta's body slumps and relaxes as he thinks about Mate. Our bodies tense in anger at the realization that Mate could have been closer to us if Alpha wasn't feeding her wrong ideas. 

"Alpha must have claimed Mate as his own and isn't going to share her." Charlie reasons. Blue snarls. 

"No. She doesn't have his scent on her. Only that other women doctor does. Alpha isn't the type to take two." He tries to reason. "No scent, then she's still on the table."

"Then we have to change tactics," I answer looking back and forth between my pack mates. Our eyes narrow in determination. 

What are they planning? Well, one more chapter for tonight. I hope this chapter was decent. I think it was about 1100 which kinda makes up for last chapter falling ten characters short but whatever. I do hope you all are staying safe in quarantine and are doing ok. It's scary times but we'll get through it. Again please comment! PLEASE COMMENT! I love hearing your thoughts even if it's just an emoji. Anyways,


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