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Another update?! So soon?! I must love you all a lot, huh. Before I start this next chapter, someone sent me a private message asking if comments and votes make me post chapters quicker. The answer to that is quite frankly, yes. I definitely post more often if someone leaves a comment or votes on a chapter, so a good way to ask for a quicker update is just to leave a nice comment about something or a quick vote. Also, this chapter is being written in the period before everything that happened in the last chapter. This is just to give you some insight into what the raptors were thinking when they executed the plan. That being said, on with the chapter!


Blue's POV

My packmates huddle around each other, taking out conversations deeper into the forest where no cameras could record the interaction. We weren't idiots and knew the humans often watched us in our habitats. There were few places with a camera through which we appreciated. The only cameras we were seriously aware of were the ones that continuously were on during training and down our hunting path. The loud clicks and shutters from them often disturbed our concentration and made it hard to focus on the task at hand. Nevertheless, we always managed to do what was asked of us. That didn't make it any better though.

"What are we going to do about it though? She thinks we hate her!" Echo mumbles in disappointment. Charlie growls lowly at the thought of our mate hating us or vise versa. You see, mate, chosen for life were highly considered as females were few and near between. The thought of hurtful wishing to our mate could send us into flurries of panic and anger. Unforntuely for our mate, she was sharing with all 4 of us, which would heighten our emotions and after the mating ceremony was complete, possessiveness was sure to make some problems.

"She won't for long," Delta promises with a savage growl, living easily up to his hotheaded nature. Echo flinched back, he was the youngest of us and therefore the softest as we were more inclined to protect him. It often caused problems between Delta and me. 

"We need a plan. She won't willingly come near us, thinking we're going to hurt her." We all shift uncomfortably at the thought of hurting Mate. Even the thought of scaring her didn't sit right in my stomach. 

"We could give her food." Echo offers as we near the cave we've shared as pups. My heart thunders at the thought of giving Mate her mating gift. Of course, that wouldn't happen in a while if things kept on how they were.

"How?! It's not like she comes close enough for us to give it to her." Delta grunts out curling up against the cold stone with an impatient huff.

"Well, I don't see you even offering up ideas, asshat." Echo growls. Delta makes a move to rough up our youngest brother but I wave him offer with my tail.

"Knock it off you two. We need to work together if we want to be able to claim Mate." My three brothers quiet down with sighs. Charlie lifts his head in consideration.

"What if we could talk to her?" 

"We haven't done that in years," I answer turning away from my siblings to pace. "And we promised never to let the humans know about that." 

"Mate isn't like the others! She wouldn't tell!" Echo mutters angrily.  I roll my eyes.

"It isn't Mate I'm worried about. How do you plan on talking to her without revealing to all that we can talk?" I ask with a short growl. "If you didn't notice, Mate thinks we hate her." 

"We could talk to her in the cave," Delta answers quietly munching on the possibility of talking to Mate. 

"And how do you suppose we go about getting her here? Walk up to the gate and demands she come back to the cave with us? Steal her from the control room, kicking and screaming?!" Charlie questions. I'd rather her scream for different reasons. I snort at my thoughts but Charlie takes this as agreement. 

"We need to tempt her into coming out into the pasture." Echo declares loudly and a plan forms in my head. 

"If we put Alpha in danger, she just might step in to protect him." Knowing Mate would rather protect Alpha then us is like a kick to the stomach. I control my pain as I watch my brothers munch on the idea. 

"We could do it during training." Charlie offers. 

"And save up the treats and give them to her as a mating gift!" Echo yelps in excitement, his immaturity showing. Delta shrugs eyeing me. 

"It's a solid plan." I nod in agreement. 

"But after we get her into the pasture, then what? It'd be foolish to think Alpha would just let her stay in without him. And he can't be there when we talk. Not to mention the fact she'll fight us the whole way if we take her by force." I warn my brothers. While the first part of the plan seemed smart we needed to think this all the way through before going on with it. 

"Then we'll have to grab her and be quick about explaining." Charlie snorts at Delta's explanation before shrugging lightly at me.

"It's worth a shot. What's the worse that happens? We get tranquilized?" I smack him upside the head.

"OR we scare Mate away and she decides she never wants to see us again," I warn. Delta snarls at me for even considering letting Mate walk away from us.

"In that case, we'll escape the pasture and go after her. Explain what's going on and tada! Problem solved." Echo declares.

"Or we escape, take her by force, and complete the mating ritual. She won't be able to fight us off after that." Delta tells me with a low threatening voice. I slump forward. 


Oh, dear. Seems like the raptors are finally fed up with not being close to Keres. I wonder how she's going to react to this all? Well, actually I don't because I know but you don't so you gotta keep reading! ALLLLLLSSSSSOOOOO huge shoutout to @ACanadianKitten for all of her kind words. It really means a lot to me so I hope you'll keep reading the book and enjoying! Thanks for being the first to comment!


Also word count = 1074

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