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-Feel free to listen to the music while you read-

"What is wrong with you women, his quirk isn't anything like my quirk, you fucking cheated on me!" Izuku listened intently to the yelling from downstairs. This had been going on for years now, it's almost predictable what they're going to say next. 'I didn't cheat, I promise' he mimicked his mother's terrified voice.

"Stop lying, I'm getting sick of seeing that monster walking around my house!" He could practically see the tear falling from his mothers eyes. "No Hisashi, how could you think of your own son like that, I would never-" the noise echoed through the house as palm met cheek. "I have been dealing with your bullshit for years, I've had enough, take the child and get out of my fucking house!". Izuku felt the tears leaving his eyes as footsteps echoed up the stairs.

~one day later~

The mint green winged boy climbed the stairs of the fairly new apartment building , carrying his belongings in a small box. Luckily for him, Izuku barely had anything important to him. The only things he had that was worth a beating consisted of his phone, Bluetooth earplugs and headphones and his giant circle shaped bunny pillow. The apartment was furnished and came at a good price, the only problem was that he had to share with a few other people. Which made the green haired boy nervous.

As he neared the door to apartment 127, he could hear the voices of at least three people. They all sounded fairly young, he was hoping they weren't too much older than himself. He gently opened the door, balancing the box on one of his smaller wings while his arm was securely wrapped around the pillow. He took one step inside to be met with a bone crushing hug, gasping, he dropped the box and fell to the floor. "Hey bro! Nice to meet you I'm Kaminari, I don't stay here I'm just friends with the other people in the room how old are you, you seem young to be living on your own, I won't judge though, everyone else is still a teenager-" "get off him Denki" a tired voice called from across the room. Kaminari huffed, jumping up and reaching a hand for the startled boy to grab.

"H-hello, I'm Izuku Midoriya, I'm actually 15 and it's nice to meet you Kaminari," he gave the yellow haired boy a bright smile. He got a good look at the boy in front of him, he seemed full of energy and overall a good person to be around. He wore a plain grey shirt with dark grey jeans, a plaid yellow jacket around his waist. "Your so small and adorable, you look too innocent to be 15" he grabbed Izuku's hand and dragged him to the couch as the green haired boy attempted to reach for his belongings. He was sat on the surprisingly comfy couch between two other boys, one with purple hair and the other spikey blonde. He was afraid to admit that their presence was intimidating, especially with the blonde one glaring at him.

He flinched as his belongings were placed on his lap by a heterochromic boy, the boy had a burn scar on the left side of his face. He sunk into himself under the gaze of the boys, an awkward silence filled the room, as a toilet flush could be heard from down the hall. A red haired boy ran into the lounge room with a smile. He paused for a few seconds before running at Izuku with wide arms, embracing him in a large hug, Izuku flinched back slightly at the contact, squeezing his eyes shut subconsciously.

He hadn't expected this much interaction, he thought it'd be as easy as a quick introduction, then away he went to his room. But these people were way too chipper to comprehend, so he felt kind of awkward being trapped from all sides. When he finally opened his eyes, everyone was staring at him, "you good bro?" The red head asked. Izuku scratched the back of his neck, a nervous habit of his, "yeah, I'm sorry, it was great meeting you all, but I'd like to excuse myself, may I know which rooms are taken?". The blonde beside him grunted angrily, pointing down the hall, "there are three rooms on the left, and two on the right, the last one on the right is free for you to take."

Izuku bowed thankfully towards the group, waving before rushing down the hall with his possessions. He read the labels that were neatly placed on each door until he reached the rooms at the end, the one on the right didn't have a label yet so he assumed this was his. He winced as the door creaked open, the room itself was plain in every way, the thing he was most excited about was the fluffy carpet on the floor, it looked perfect to lay on. He placed his box on the queen sized bed before closing the door.

'They seem nice enough' Izuku thought to himself as he set out his belongings. He put away his clothes in the closet drawers and plugged in his small lamp shade on the bedside counter. He put his earplugs and chargers into the small drawer, and laid out on his bed, playing his music as he starred at the bare ceiling. A soft knock came from his door as the tired voice from earlier spoke, "dinners ready when you want it, if you prefer to eat alone, it's in the fridge." Izuku smiled, "thank you, I'll eat it later if that's ok with you guys" he answered, there was talking from behind his door before it opened showing the red head from earlier in front of an irritated purple haired boy. "Cmon bro, let's eat as roommates!" He ushered Midoriya out of his room and towards the dining table.

The blond boy and the heterochromic boy from earlier looked over at the ruckus, watching as Kirishima sat the poor green haired boy in the seat next to Todoroki. The winged boy said a small hi before looking at the hands in his lap, he wasn't confident with eating making it a struggle, but while strangers were glancing at him in between their conversations, it was basically impossible for him to even look at the food.

"So, I've noticed that we haven't properly introduced ourselves, my names kirishima, eijiro Kirishima, the angry Pomeranian over there is Katsuki Bakugo, the sleep deprived insomniac is Hitoshi Shinso and the milk brand boy sitting next to you is Shoto Todoroki!" Izuku nods his head, slowly looking around the table at the individual people. "In case anyone forgot, my name is Izuku Midoriya, my quirk is double wing and I'm 15," bakugo perked up, "well my quirk is explosion and I'll blow you to pieces with ease you damn nerd!" The greenette's expression morphed to one of shock, his attention shot around the room avoiding eye contact with the angry blonde. "O-ok then..." Izuku squeaked out, awkward tension filled the room "soooo..... my quirk is brainwash, you answer any of my questions and I have the option to control you," izukus face lit up with excitement. "That's so cool, can I take notes on your quirk, do you effect the mind or the body, or both? Can you control-" "stop your fucking mumbling!" Bakugo slammed his hands on the table causing Izuku to jump back. He gave a shaky smile, "s-Sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm gonna g-go, thank you for the meal."

Izuku sped down the hall, the angry muttering from the kitchen slowly faded as he closed the door to his room gently. Letting out a deep breath, Midoriya sat on his bed, reaching for his box and pulling out the comb. He slowly brushed his feathers, singing softly to himself as he tried to quell his fears, his mind slowed down as he drifted into a musical state.

As the song came to an end, he looked out of the sliding glass door that led to a small private balcony, he noticed the sun was almost completely gone. He sighed, turning on his small lamp and walking towards the closet, he pulled out his fluffy pj pants and shirt, the colours blend in the order of the pansexual pride flag. He waddled over to the bed and cuddled his bunny pillow until he fell asleep. Wishing that tomorrow would be slightly less hectic, he wouldn't be able to handle another day like this.

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