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- feel free to listen to the music while you read -

The walk back to the apartment was full of light banter, "so are we actually calling Bakugo kacchan now?" Izuku asked, playing with his larger left wing, wrapping it around himself to block from the cold gusts of wind. Todoroki shrugged, "he'd probably get mad, or there's the small possibility he'd not care," Izuku nodded in thought, he thought about how Bakugo could enjoy it, which made the small boy smile. "We'll have to find out!" Izuku bounced up and down, dripping with excitement until they arrived at the apartment.

"He Mido- wait, did you actually go with Todoroki to that cafe?" Kirishima had ran out of the kitchen area, staring at the winged boy as if he'd grown three heads. "Yeah? What's so bad with that, the waffles were great!" Izuku exclaimed, bouncing down the hall and towards his room, he'd been in a musical mind set ever since he left the cafe. Closing the door, he grabbed out his iconic headphones and connected them to his phone. Izuku decided to press shuffle on his playlist, he didn't mind what song he sung, he just felt like singing. His mind flashed back to when he first received the phone, he was immediately attached to every music app you could find, he started to grow a love for singing, the artists like cavetown and YUNGBLUD were who originally inspired him. The song 'when will I see you again' by Shakka started playing, he'd love listening to this song when his parents were arguing, or he felt overly anxious. The beat and lyrics were soft and heart warming. He preferred humming this song to himself, he'd very rarely sing it, not being confident in how high his voice could go.

"Shooting stars never fly for me~
My hearts on mars, kinda hard to see~
But you know, you know I'll see you again~
You know, you know I'll see you again~" the boy sung, a bright smile filled with happiness had spread across his face, his eyes shining as if he was looking into a glittering light.

"Shooting stars never fly for me~
My hearts on mars, kinda hard to see~
But you know, you know I'll see you again~
You know, you know I'll see you again~" Izuku repeated once more, singing along to the lyrics of the song. His senses were filled with joy, the song was all that was running through his mind. Until a loud gasp was heard from the door.

Izuku turned to the door, his headphones flung off of his head and onto his bed. There, standing by his doorway, was the one and only Denki Kaminari. The boy had a large grin, eyes twinkling with energy like usual. Izukus hand flew to his mouth, staring at the person who had startled him, "you scared the flip out of me, gosh..." Izuku took a few deep breaths, looking up at the boy that was now sitting next to him on his bed.

"If I played the kazoo, would you be willing to sing to it?" Izuku let out a chuckle, "a kazoo?" He asked, seeking confirmation before he jumped to conclusions. "Fuck yeah dude, the kazoo is a magical instrument!" Izuku fell back on his bed, curling in on himself as his stomach hurt from laughing so hard. He attempted to sit up, but fell back with an exasperated sigh. "A kazoo Kami, a flippin kazoo?" He had to be absolutely one hundred percent sure this wasn't a joke. Denki crossed his arms, a playful pout spreading across his face, "yeah, what about it!" He said in a defensive tone, which only made Midoriya laugh harder. His wings were now curled around the shaking boy, he tried to regain his composure, looking at Denki's expression instantly made him laugh again, he quickly covered his mouth. If he laughed any more than he already had, he was afraid his stomach would explode.

"Ok, are you being s-serious," Izuku asked, trying desperately to hold in another laugh. "If you don't wanna sign to my kazooing, then how about the piano?" Izuku looked at Denki, tilting his head in surprise, "I wouldn't of guessed you can play a piano, you seem like an electric guitar player or something." Denki smiled, "ha ha, very funny, just because I have an electric quirk, doesn't mean I play an electric guitar," Izuku shrugged, "if you say so."

Denki wrapped an arm around the smaller boys shoulders, "so, will you sing for me?" Izuku gave a light nod, following Denki out of his room and into the medium spare room they have at the other side of the apartment. The room where Bakugo was playing the drums that one time. "What are you gonna play?" The greenette asked curiously, watching as Denki shuffled through a few instruments, pulling out a rather large keyboard. "Sadly, my piano is at my parents place, so I'll play on the keyboard!" Izuku nodded again, he was rather excited about singing with an actually instrumentalist, even if it was who he wouldn't have expected it to be. He hadn't gotten an answer, but he was too happy to care. This time, his nerves were over run with the excitement, leaving Izuku to jump up and down with giddiness.

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