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-feel free to listen to the music while you read-

Izuku was in a strangely happy mood the next morning. Waking up to his white cat almost made him cry, and while he was walking into the kitchen, Todoroki, Bakugo and Kaminari were already there and talking, coffee sitting on the bench in his bird mug. He wouldn't lie, a few tears fell, but no one had to know that. Izuku drank his coffee and kindly accepted the cheese platter Kaminari had made for him, taking into account that Izuku had only eaten cheese the day before. Kaminari was also in a good mood, after the movie marathon everyone had left to sleep in their respected rooms, but Shinso had stayed with him until he actually fell asleep.

Speaking of the insomniac, Shinso walked in to the kitchen, grabbing his own pre made coffee and grumbling about how Todoroki and Bakugo was making everyone feel single, the bags under his eyes didn't seem as dark that morning, indicating he'd gotten more than three hours of sleep. The couple in question just smirked and went back to cuddling against the counter. Izuku continued eating his cheese, Kaminari standing next to him, picking off a few pieces for himself and talking about random things Izuku had no idea about. "So like, then Shinso admitted to watching anime and we agreed to watch some tonight, you wanna join us?" Kaminari stared down at the slightly shorter boy, "yeah, I enjoy watching anime, it's like you're taken into a whole new world!" Izuku chirped happily, Kaminari smirked, "no Disney references when talking about anime, that's like you're trying to 'go beyond' the line of reason here," Kaminari chuckled as Shinso cracked an amused smile, muttering something like plus ultra under his breath.

After breakfasts and banter, the group had returned to their rooms to get ready. After a shower, Izuku slipped on a white shirt with a black hoodie over the top, he wore dark grey skinny jeans and put his Bluetooth headphones around his neck. He roughly dragged the comb through his hair, getting the knots out but still keeping the natural fluff. He then brushed his teeth and groomed his feathers, though he needed some help from Kirishima to actually get done in a decent period of time. Kirishima wore a black shirt, red flannel around his waist and black pants, his shark teeth looked especially sharp and Izuku feared that he'd cut his tongue. Bakugo wore his normal skull shirt and a leather jacket, he wanted to make sure the boss guy knows who he's dealing with, so he had on black skinny jeans and black combat boots. Todoroki went with a more casual look due to him not giving a fuck about reputations, thought he made sure he didn't look homeless or ungrateful, Shinso went for a similar vibe, but he wore a purple jumper around his waist and a black beanie. It was freezing outside, and the group worried that Kirishima and Kaminari might die from the cold. They both reasoned that they could just use each other as a jumper, saying how the power of their strong broship would overpower the natural forces.

"Some broship power you have, hows it going for you guys?" Shinso smirked at the angered looks he received, the two teens were latching on to each other, the cold overpowering by far. "You guys could use my jumper if you'd like," Izuku suggested, Kirishima and Kaminari gave him a great full look, instead of taking the jumper, they both started to latch onto the shorter teen. Izuku was shook as the two's skin was freezing cold. "We should have taken the car Bakugo," Todoroki winces at the sight of the two bro's now sandwiching the poor winged boy. Izuku jumped up, a lightbulb practically floating above his head as he laughed to himself, "why are you laughing-" they were cut off by two pairs of warm fluffy wings curling around them. Kirishima and Kaminari instantly melted into the feathers, sighing in comfort as they stopped shivering. "Thank fucking god you have wings, thought those two dumbasses wouldn't shut up," Bakugo groaned, running a hand over his face in an attempt to do something, probably just express his annoyance.

"It's all good bro, the power of our broship with Mido is overpowering the natural forces," Kirishima spoke in a quiet voice as he closed his eyes, being guided by Izuku's mint green wings. "You should probably keep your eyes open, don't want Midoriya driving you off a bridge," Shinso chuckled at the shocked faces of all three boys, their heads whipping around to look at Shinso, flabbergasted. "Shut the fuck up, you're gonna make me look bad!" Bakugo whispered harshly as they neared the skyscraper that was WKMI. "No, I think that's just you," Shinso snapped back, amused by the death glare he received from the angry blonde. "Stop fighting, Seishin is waiting for us in front of the door," Todoroki pointed out with the same deadpanned tone as usual.

Bakugo grunted as the short girl perked up at the sight of them, "how have you been?" She asked, leading them out of the cold and into the heated building. "We've been ok, how are you?" Izuku replied respectfully, "I've been doing great, thank you," she led them down a familiar hall until she made a sharp turn right rather then left, leading them towards a foreign room. "This is where you'll be tested, don't worry, you all have amazing talent, don't stress it's only me and Toko," the group nodded, some more confident than others. "Apart from this, we've pretty much already made the decision, this is just reassurance if you get what I'm selling," she opened the door to a high tech recording studio, there were four booths for singing and a few more for instrumentals, the group was far more than impressed. Someone cleared their throat from off to the left, causing the group to turn, coming face to face with the man himself. Toko had his usual childish smile, but instead of looking professional, he was practically bouncing in his seat, an excited spark in his iris. "Let's get this started, shall we?" He asked happily, obviously trying to hold back a squeal.


I felt like making an extra chapter for you guys, you know, instead of sleeping and all. So hopefully this made up for making you wait. And could somebody tell me if the music I put up the top is actually being used, I listen to the songs a lot and usually they're the songs I listen to when I'm writing the chapters. Also, if anyone can guess what WKMI stands for, you can have all my love.

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