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"Get up, fat ass! You're going to be late for school!" Evelyn's shrill voice echoed through the hallway, piercing the early morning calm.

The sound cut through the stillness like an alarm Eleanor wished she could ignore.She groaned, burying her face deeper into her pillow, but the sun streaming through the half-closed blinds was relentless.

Another day, another chance to face the world she wasn't eager to confront. Reluctantly, she dragged herself from the bed, feeling as if each step toward the bathroom required more energy than she could muster.

Eleanor stopped in front of the mirror, staring blankly at her reflection. A sigh escaped her lips. Her green eyes, as bright and clear as emeralds, were perhaps the only feature she appreciated, but even they seemed dimmer today. Her gaze drifted downward, past her round cheeks, to her arms—soft and heavy, the kind that jiggled no matter how still she tried to keep them. And then her eyes landed on her thighs, thick and unyielding beneath the oversized sweatshirt she threw on. Each curve of her body felt like an enemy she couldn't escape.

"Why am I like this?" she whispered to the mirror, her voice barely audible.

She had tried it all—every fad diet, every workout routine, and every piece of unsolicited advice from strangers and so-called friends alike. But nothing ever changed.

She remained trapped in a body that felt like a prison, a body that betrayed her with every glance in the mirror.After a quick shower, Eleanor tugged on her favorite red sweatshirt, the one that boldly proclaimed in large letters, TWO WORDS... ONE FINGER... BITCH, IT'S SIMPLE.

It was the only thing that made her feel a little more in control, even though the jeans she struggled to button reminded her she wasn't.

The waistband dug into her skin, tight and unforgiving. She glanced in the mirror one last time, grimacing at how the fabric clung to her body like a second skin.There was no time for a change.

Skipping breakfast like she usually did, she grabbed her keys and muttered, "Time to survive another day in hell."

The drive to school was uneventful, the same ten-minute journey it always was, though her mind raced with anxiety about the day ahead.

Pulling into the crowded parking lot, Eleanor's eyes darted around, searching for a place to park. "Where to put my baby today?" she mumbled to herself, her voice laced with sarcasm.

It didn't matter—finding a spot here was always a lottery.

Finally, she spotted one. Relief flooded her as she turned the wheel to claim it, but then, just as quickly, it was snatched away.

A sleek, silver Bugatti slid effortlessly into the spot. Eleanor's heart sank. Of course. It was Audrey Hunter—her ex-best friend turned nemesis and the undisputed queen of the school.

Audrey stepped out of the car like she was walking onto a runway, her glossy brown hair tumbling over her shoulders, her lips painted a perfect shade of red. Her posse followed closely, each girl a clone of the other, like backup dancers in a cruel performance.

Audrey's blue eyes locked onto Eleanor's, and a slow, mocking smile curled across her lips."Oh look," Audrey called out, loud enough for half the parking lot to hear, "Extra-Large Eleanor's here! How's that diet plan I gave you working out?"Eleanor's chest tightened. She gritted her teeth, refusing to give Audrey the satisfaction of a reaction.

Her hands fumbled to restart the car, but before she could pull away, the roar of an engine pulled everyone's attention.

The unmistakable sound of a Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita echoed through the lot. If Audrey was the queen, then Zachary Kingston, behind the wheel of that car, was the king.Eleanor's heart skipped a beat as the eyes of the entire student body turned toward him.

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