Change of Plans On Second Feelings.

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What have I done !? I was actually confused at the moment about how everything turned out. I thought... I got rid of the insecurities she had when I loved her, but I didn't realise that it just grew more and more.

I called the first person that came in my mind, because I know except them no one could give me a better advise.

"Hey, are you in town?... Okay... could you come over?.... Okay get him too... See ya" I threw my phone on the couch while massaging my head.

If dad comes to know what happened, he will kill me!

After a few minutes of pacing around the living room, the door bell rang. Finally, I quickly walked over and opened the door to see my saviors.

"So what did you do now Archer?" Isabelle asked, while throwing her bag on the couch abd placing herself beside it.

Ugh! Kingstone habits.!

"Well... It's Eleanor" I said sitting in front of her.

"What did you do to Ella now!?" Zachary asked while taking a bite of the apple that he grabbed from the kitchen.

I told them everything what happened in the pool, to her confession about her insecurities. Everything!

They both just stared at me as if I said that I'll be dropping bombs again on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Zachary scoffed while Isabelle just rubbed her forehead in disappointment.

"Seriously brother, You really have zero experience... My all the efforts of getting you every detail about her gone to waste" ... Zachary said while giving me a disappointed look.

Yes. We all have planned this together to get Ella in our hands. Zachary helped me in getting information about her from school and Isabelle gives me advice about my next step with her.

"Anyways... Why do you care about her emotions soo much when she herself said she is an insecure bitch!?" Zachary asked while giving me a bored look and getting up to throw the half eaten apple.

But wait! What did he say... Bitch??

Oh hell no he did not use that word.

"What did you just say? Bitch? Excuse me but Ella is not a bitch, she is the nicest and most beautiful girl I ever came across. She is gorgeous and appreciates every little thing in her life. Most importantly, I can.... Be myself around her. I don't need to filter myself to make her like me" I said while breathing heavily and Zachary just stood in his position stunned and Isabelle almost with the same expression.

"You owe me 200 dollars big sister" Zachary jumped in air with a wide grin on his face, while Isabelle just chuckled and handed the money to Zach.

Huh!? What's going on?

"See I told you he is in love with her... See I won and I am sorry for calling Ella a bitch... I just needed to win this bet" Zacharysaid while running around with the money like a kid.

Bet!? You got to be kidding me!!!

"Damn, I knew Archer liked Eleanor a little, but this whole 'Eleanor is not a bitch' speech... Holy shit Archer... You love her" She said while smiling at me.

Love !?


I don't know what love is, Affection? Admiration? ... Feelings?

"How do you know it's love?" I asked her raising my eyebrows. Isabelle pursed her lips together before speaking.

"Now you gotta listen to me very carefully" I nodded and asked her to continue.

Zachary was just sitting on the couch beside her texting someone. I thought he broke up with Audrey ... Who is he texting!?

"Archer... My eyes are here" she snapped me out of my thoughts and made me look straight in her eyes.

"See, Love isn't something that you get, it's something that you create between the person you like. When you start admiring that person for who she really is rather than asking her to filter her true self. You like Eleanor for who she really is, even though she isn't as skinny and sexy as those other girls out there, you chose her ... Even though father asked you to fake it till you make it, you actually aren't faking any feelings with her anymore... You love her, you created the love between you and her... And trust me Archer of you love her, don't follow what father says, he is a manipulative person who uses people for his own means.... " Isabelle placed a hand on my shoulder... Her words had really deep meaning and I could actually see the flashbacks of the memories I created with her during this past week.

Still,..... going against dad!?

"Do you think, dad will be okay?" I
asked her with fear in my eyes.

"He wants the Gellar's Corp... You give it to him and then when you become the CEO... Give it back to Eleanor" I hummed at her suggestion. It's not a bad idea, but still risky...

If Eleanor comes to know about this!?

Will I lose her forever?

"Don't sweat it big bro... I think Isabelle is right... We shouldn't become puppets of dad just for his personal gains... We have a life too" I might be my dad's favourite kid and also I never disobeyed him, because I owe him to my life.

I looked down and nodded my head in agreement. I knew somewhere down inside me that this whole plan of getting Gellar's Corp was wrong... And above all breaking her heart!? No way!

"Now tell me, did you tell Eleanor about our secret?" She asked with a serious face. I gulped and replied no.

Isabelle sighed, but smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Do it when you are ready..." I just smiled at her while she picked her back and left. Zachary decided to stay here for a while which I allowed.

I stood in the balcony, enjoying the view and night breeze. Thinking about how that gorgeous girl have wrapped me around her fingers.

Maybe being in love with her isn't bad thing... I have known her all my life... I might have being her Devil in the start, but that time... I was stupid enough to listen every thing dad told me. I wished I would have met her in different circumstances , so that I would have loved her longer.

After our first kiss, I knew I was gonna be in trouble. Seeing her the first time after fours years in Chicago, I was completely struck, she was cute when we were small, but that day at her house I realised that how beautiful she had grown.

Suddenly I felt my phone vibrating. I looked at the screen to see message from Isabelle. There were pictures of romantic dates with a message,

'Go and cherish your love'

A wide grin was formed on my face.
I'll get you back Ella... I will.

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