Too Many Smiles and Flowers

390 19 4

Eleanor's POV

The dinner went good. He liked the beef thing. Currently we are watching some movie that he picked. I won't lie but this is boring. Too much voilence and blood.

I looked over to the man sitting beside me "Archer... I am Sleepy... Can you drop me home?" I asked with a yawn at the end.

Archer looked at me as if he was thinking something.

"You wanna leave?... I thought we were gonna spend the night together?" His face said he wasn't kidding about spending the night with me.

"Oh.. I didn't know that.... I will be spending....the night here" anyone could clearly tell I was nervous. Why is my mind in the gutter right now!?... Ugh get yourself out if it !!

"Okay... If you want to go... I can drop you .. comon..." He said and pulled me up by one hand.

I got my bag and my dress that I wore in the morning and we both headed out.

The car ride was silent per usual. I am just worried that I shouldn't hurt him in any way. We have just started ... Having.... This thing.... and I don't want to mess up.

"You have school tomorrow right?" Archer's voice got me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah... I missed today... Can't afford to miss tomorrow"I said looking at my shoes which I suddenly found very interesting to look at.

"Nerd" he muttered and let out a playful laugh. Atleast he is happy with me. He is giving me feelings I only imagined to feel. Sometimes when I look at him smiling at me, kissing me as if it's the last day he'll be seeing me... It feels so different. I don't feel like believing all this is real, but when I look at the man sitting beside me, driving me back home, giving me his clothes to wear makes me want to believe every single second if these moments.

After not so long ride he stopped in front of my house.

"So... Bye..." Okay well, I suddenly became bad at giving farewells. He nodded while pressing his lips together.

He got out of the car and walked me to my door step. Well this is getting weird. These tingles and feelings are always within me when Archer is around. Someone needs to let this awkwardness go.

I quickly made a very stupid and daring decision that required courage. I turned to face him pulling him by his collar and placing a kiss on his cheek. The kiss lasted for around five seconds and I pulled back. Archer's eyes seemed like any moment they will fall out of his thick skull.

I just smiled at him and entered my house.

"You are stupid Eleanor" I laughed at myself while my back pressed against the door.

"You do are stupid big sister"... Evelyn was standing in front of me with her hands crossed.

"What do you want Evelyn?" My smile had faded away. Sometimes it's really annoying to have her around. She judges everything I do.

"Who kisses a guy on their cheek these days?! and above all you spend your whole day with a Kingstone just to give him a kiss on his cheek!?" She gasped dramatically giving a very strong emphasis on his last name.

"What do you want me to do?"... I asked with an raised eyebrow at her dramatic antics.

"You should have kissed his lips... I can only imagine how Archer's lips taste...?" Again she is being dramatic. Archer's lips are addictive, I agree... but why is she getting bothered.

"Why does it bother you? Don't you have Noah!?"... She looked at me with an bored expression. Sometimes I really think my sister is a little gone case. You have an extremely good boyfriend, still want   someone who is atleast 6 years elder to you just because he is a Kingstone?!

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