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They say curiosity killed the cat .

But am I a cat!?...

Obviously no!...

So nothing will happen to me...

Still it scares me to know Mr. Anonymous... I kept my book on the same chair like before... And right now I am hiding behind a huge science encyclopaedia...

I am desperate to see who it is... But it also terrifies me.

There are not many people in the library currently.. so I guess it will be easy to find him...

"Hey Eleanor... Are you sure you really wanna read the science encyclopaedia?"... I was startled by the voice but soon gained myself and looked at the source of the voice .

"Oh Mrs. Renolds.... Umm I was reading... I have some project" I said ... She nodded and went away.

But wait... I peeked up to see the book on the chair... It was gone!!..

Damn Mrs.Renolds!

Placing the book ... To be specific the encyclopedia, back to its place, my eyes just happen to land on Levi.

"Oh El... Umm hey"... Well this is weird.... He was ever like normal like hey-el with me.

"Oh is that Eleanor?"... That voice.
I saw Zachary and rest behind Levi in the corner... As if they were doing something very suspicious there...

Their expressions were screaming that I shouldn't be here...

"Umm I think ... I just came towards the wrong section... You know what I'll just go ".... I said looking down and slowly making my way out ...

"Wait Ella...." Ughh why does Zachary has voice like this! Makes me weak on my knees.

I turned back "What are you doing here ... This late ?". Okay now officially I was dead.

"Umm... Research?"... Unsureity in my voice made them raise their eyebrows.

Those five Greek god's were staring at me ... like a hawk... If looks could kill... I would have been dead by now.

"Look Extra-".... Aiden stopped mid sentence after receiving a side nudge from Levi.

"Okay Eleanor Gellar -" he glared at Levi then turned back to me "-Not a word about it... What you saw at the library.... Even though you dint see anything... Just don't tell anyone".

Seriously... He thinks I have soo many friends that I'll go and gossip about this little incident to them. !

I scoffed which made them glare at me in confusion... "Look Aiden ... You seriously think I have friends that I will go and gossip about this to them ?"... I said while pointing between the gap between the boys and me.

"And why don't I have friends..? Because I am not able to fit in your appearance-is-everything agenda.. you guys are the ones who bullied me and will bully me !" .... My outburst affected them to this level that they couldn't talk anymore .

"Eleanor... I -"Caleb tried talking ... But stopped mid sentence.

I gave a last glare to them... But suddenly softened after my eyes met with Levi's... I gave him a weak smile and turned on my heels ...

But wait ... I forgot something.

Their emotions relaxed... But the moment I turned again back to them ... Their body was stiff as a rock again.... "And I promise you... There will be no Large Gossips about your-Whatever you guys are doing... maybe a drug deal or something... " I huffed and walked towards the door.

Damn!!! She has a good temper

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