Part 11 - Leons Pro:

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As we got back to the Motorcross path, I got the shook of my life, we go on the filed and there she was, The Love of my life, But that's impossible right?...I mean She is back....and She have these childrens...Thes children are hers, That's explain why I feelt something speciall about them, that's why I feel like I allreaddy knew them, I saw Vilu in them, especially in Lindys eyes....I look at Vilu, she stare at me and I need to ask her "Violetta?...Is it really you?" She looked in my eyes and with her cute shy Voice she said "Yes...I have missed you....alot..." She then amidentlly looked down on the ground to hide her face, even if I knew she was blushing, I know her to well to not know that...but honestlly I try hide my face to, I feelt the warm feeling in my body just knowing that she still remember me, misses me and are here with me, I have missed her so verry mutch and I am so happy that she's back, but if I knows Violetta right, she's probably affraid of the past, and that's why she hide her face, she's afraid of what we did back then, that big misstake that made me lose her forever, untill now when she's back, but i will never be more then a friend of hers, Cause she's happy now, she chosed Tomas and they are marrid now, she got 2 amazing kids, that she allways wanted and i'm happy for her, also the fact that it was kind of my foult for letting her go...why DID I let her go?...cause I loved her and wanted her to be happy...even if it broke my heart into pieces I knew she would go back to him in the end I let her go...but i can't say it dosn't hurt, she's the love of my life, the only woman I ever wanted, but she's in love with someone else and my heart are in pices, especially now when she's back.... But As I look deep into those beautiful brown eyes of her it feels like I fell in love with her all over again, and my heart can't stop beating, I wnat her, I need her, I love her still after all this years...I love this feeling of Love, I never been this happy sinc she leaved, but that moment didn't Last long, Lindy scream "MOM?! You knows Leon?!!!" Vilu didn't say a word, Just being shy, wich make my heart melt, Shy Vilu is like the cutest thing i know. Lindy suddanly talk again "I asked a question!, I need answer...Mom did you and Leon know each other before?!!!" I looked at her, Vilu still didn't answere so I did "Yes we did...we got to the same school before and also her and your father lived in the same appartment house As I did on the same floor, so we used to hang out some times...Untill they moved back to spain" I feelt how sad & depressed my tone became as i said that, I looked at Violetta and I honestlly think my eyes started to tear up alittle, but i hide it, gave a fake smile and told to vilu how happy I'm for her that she finally got the children she allways wanted...She now looked up to me, and gave me that wonderful smile that I not make it disseper I continue talking, this time to the children, Honestlly I try to show her that I'm good for her and her Familly, so I can speant alot of time with the kids that will probably lead me to hanging out with her again, I have missed those times so mutch, and her..., I got down on my knees in front of the kids and tell as I look into Lindys eyes that they are beautiful, amazing and talented, exactlly like their mother, you could clearly see that they are related to her especially on Lindy cause she have the same spark in her eyes....I stroke her sheek as Violetta watched me closely, and Lindy blushed as I told her Today was one of the most fun days ever and I would be happy to continue it, If her mom allows offcorse....Lindy smiled Big to me and gave a big "Yes!!!!" Violetta now got to us and Took Lindys arms, I got supriced by violettas strict voice saying "Actually we're going home now" You now could see the Dissepointment In Lindys eyes, she said to her mom "But I don't wanna!"...I take the chance & try to impress vilu....And the kids..., I say to the kids "You need to listen to your mom, and honestlly it start to become late, but maybe if it's okey for Vilu we can hang out again tomorrow and we can maybe meet up in the park & talk, if you guys want offcorse" The kids got happy again and begged Vilu to let them hang out with me...when she finally agreed the kids got so verry happy that they hugged me and Violetta both tightly in a group hug, that made me being verry close to her and my whole mind go crazy about her, I can feel her being close to me and it makes the butterflies in my stomach go wild, I honestlly don't know what to do, I just wants her right here, right now....but the hug ends and she backs away from me, that's sad, I had her so close, she was in my arms, but not anymore...the childrens was also in the hug but i didn't even notice, all i could think of was Violetta....I looked closely at her again and can't look away....untill Lindy asks me if Violetta also can hang out with us at the park tomorrow, I got shooked but offcorse I want her to be there....but i play it cool and say "offcorse, but Only if she wants...wich i honestlly don't think she will" I smilled at Lindy who asked her mother who then said she maybe will comme with us tomorrow. That's enough for me, And Lindy got verry happy too, Violetta also give her big smile while petting Lindy on the shoullder, she say "Now it's really time to go" ...they all said good bye to me, and Lindy gave me a hug, then they go home, I do too.

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