Part 10 - Lindys Pro:

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As we walked back to the Motorcross fild we saw or mother stand with her hands in a cross, she seemed mad but her facial expression fast changed when Leon came from behind us, she looked at him like she had seen a ghost, Leon to...They just stare at each other a long time untill Leon break the sillenc..."Violetta?...Is it really you" he asked, as my mom said "Yes..." she then looked down on the ground, I think her cheeks got red as she told him she had missed him alot...As this was going on me and Lucas stood at the side being more comfused then ever, "Mom You know Leon?!" I said out loud...she didn't answere but Leon told us they had been going to the same school and used to hang out sometimes untill she moved. Me and Lucas mouths became now wide open. as he continued talking, he said he was verry happy for my mom that she got the children she wanted & wished for to have when she was younger, he also said that I looked as beautiful as my mother and that he really can see We're related cause of the same sparkle we have in or eyes, I smile big at him as my mom try hide her face, but I could see she was blushing. when she finally showed her face she got to me and took my hand, her tone changed and verry strict she said It's time for us to go home..."But I don't wanna!" I said with saddness and dissepointment in my voice, I mean how can I go, when I just finded out my Biggest Idol & mom knew each other from before?!, I dosn't wanna stay for me, I wanna stay for them, I want them to hang out again like before, I want them to talk again, They haven't done that in 12 years!!!...I would find a thousends reassons for them to talk again but my thoughts got interupted by Leon, he said "You need to listen to your mom, and honestlly it start to become late, but maybe if it's okey for Vilu we can hang out again tomorrow and we can maybe meet up in the park & talk, if you guys want offcorse" Me and Lucas screamed out a big "Yes!!!" Then we begged or mother to allow us, she said "mmh...Okey...But don't forgett the time" We got so happy that we hugged both her and Leon tightly, They was standing beside each other wich made it easy to give a group hug Even though my mom seemed a bit awkward to be this close to Leon, I loved it. I thanked her a thousend time for saying yes, she told me "it was nothing really"...I then Turned to Leon and asked him if my mom also could be with us in the park tomorrow, both my mom & He got abit supriced by my question, but he said "If she wants, she can be there, even though i don't think she wants" I looked at my mom again and asked "Do you wanna comme?" she looked a bit awkward and gave me "I maybe comme...." As a answere, I take that as a "Yes" I said and smiled big to her. Then I gave Leon a Hug and said to him this was the best day in my whole life and I can't belive that he wanna hang out with me tommorow also, he smiled "Offcorse I wanna hang out with you, You're an amazing girl with so mutch talent and charm, it's inpossible not to like you especially since you have an as amazing mother like Violetta" I laughed alittle, and thought, he really must have been a good friend to my mother in the past since he allways say how amazing she are, I like it and hope this will lead to Leon being apart in my I thought of that my mom told us again it was time to go, We all said bye to Leon and told we will see him tomorrow, and before we leav he said to my mom "I have missed you", we then drived home to our Grandpas house again.

Now I'm laying in the bed in my moms old room again writing in my dairy about the amazing day I had, about Leon and how he knew my mother from before and that he want us to meet again tomorrow, "I really hope my mom and Leon keep the contact after all these years they have been appart, I can see they both have missed each other verry mutch and want to be in each others lifes again..." I wrote and smiled..."I trully wish for that, I want Leon to have apart in my life, Maybe even In my familly, I can see he Loves and cares for both me, my mom & my brother, a good exampel on how a reall dad should be..." That made me wonder, do Leon have a Girlfriend?, His own kids? a familly?, He would be a Perfect dad, that's for sure but does he have one for himself?...I guess I ask him tomorrow and we will see, but now it's bedtime. I closed my dairy and layed it aside, then i turned of the light and went to sleep.

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