Part 19 - Leons Pro

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As we walked into the resturange and sat down at a table it was a verry awkward silenc at first and I could just see how violetta watches me from the otherside of the table, she really is see her like this after all the years we had apart from each other make my heart beat faster and my body gets all warm and shaky...I wants her more then what you could ever imagine, but she can't be mine, That's one thing I know, even if't breakes my heart...but anyway I'm happy that we do this, go on resturange together and hang out like before, we havn't done that in a verry long time...I just hope people around us dosn't think we're going on a date or anything...that would make this sitvation awkvard again...more then it allreaddy is, i dosn't like it how we just sitts here in silent saying nothing, but still I dosn't blame Vilu for it either, she Lost her kids today and have the right to be silent for herself, she have the right to be sad, but what i dosn't get is why she still smiles so bright and why are she looking at me?!, I have seen her, this whole day, no matter what i have done her eyes have followed me everywhere!!, on my eyes, my lips and a verry specific place where a marrid woman shouldn't watch another man!!! I just get verry comfused, why are she doing it?...It can't be cause she loves me...cause I know she can't...But she...ughh!!!!...This makes me go all crazy in my mind!!!...I need to focus on something else...maybe try make vilu focus of something else too...I shoulld talk to her about her feelings...About everything that happened today, I take a deep breath..."...Vilu?..."..."Leon?..." we said each others name at the exact same time, I looked at her and saw she was smiling big while laughing alittle...she said to me "You go first" And even though I havn't a clue in what I shoulld say to her, I try to make small talk and asked about her feelings for what happened today...she told me she was fine and thanked me for caring about her...I still think this conversation is verry awkvard and my face turned all red again, I looked down on the floor, trying to hide it from vilu. I  didn't see her, just hear her angelic voice saying "Can you tell me about yourself?..." I looked up at her a bit comfused as she continued talking, "...I mean....Leon we havn't talked to each other in so long, it's almost like i dosn't know anything about you...our what you have been doing this past 12 years, Pleas tell me more about yourself" What is she?...Why is she?...."I mean...If you really wants to....Okey then....What do you wanna know?" she looked at me with a smile and begged me to tell about what I have been doing these past few years...Weird..Dosn't she allreaddy know that? I mean isn't that the reasson for her to be here, That her kids was about to go on my races?...But anyway I tell her, then ask her the same question, but more about her familly and happy dream life she allways wanted...I mean she must be the most luckiest girl alive, I smiled big at her as i asked but to my suprice her reaction to my question wasn't as I thought, she started cry big time telling me her life is horrible, that Tomas is mean and dosn't treet her our the children right...she tells me "I hate him! Hate Him!, Hate Him! I all my life just wanted to get out of there!!!" she cries more as I offcorse got Shooked, "is it really that terrible? I mean...Wasn't that The life you wanted?...and if it was so terrible why didn't you leav?" she looked into my eyes saying she was scared of being alone and that I just had broken her heart..."When?" i asked...and offcorse it was that time When I asked her to leav me, that time wich made my true love leav me!, but she finally come back to me, the only woman i want, and I finally understands she wants me too, She do it still...I know cause she's infront of me, comfessing her love for me and I couldn't be happier, she's the love of my life, I want her now more then ever and now she's finally mine... it was so mutch worth the long wait cause now when she asks if there is a possibillity for us to be together again...the kiss I gives her as an answer feelt more emotionall and passionated then or lips thoutch i thought to myself...I have been in love with her forever...and i finally got her...she's finaly mine.

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