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"Angels don't exist

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"Angels don't exist."
"I wouldn't be here if they didn't."

He always felt like he was down on his luck. Nothing ever seemed to go right. He thought he would finally be put out of his misery the night of his 21st birthday. Until he met his guardian angel.

Nasir, 21

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Nasir, 21.
The Main Character.
"Ain't nothing special bout me."

Nola, 21

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Nola, 21.
The Ex Best Friend.
"You're so selfish."

Jade, ageless

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Jade, ageless.
The Angel.
"I've always been here."

Bryson, 22

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Bryson, 22.
The Lefthand.
"You going soft on us?"

"You going soft on us?"

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Quan, 24.
The Righthand.
"You know we good where ever we go."

I decided to try something out of my comfort zone.
Welcome to Guarded.

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