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I sat outside Nola's house in my car. I was just waiting for his ass to come out or for some type of movement to happen. I had Bryson and Quan with me too. "So do this nigga ever leave the fuckin' house?" Quan asked as he smoked his blunt. "Nola said he don't really do shit. But I just wanna make sure ain't nobody else in here before we do this."
"If it is, we can get rid of they ass too." Bryson laughed to himself. That nigga can be so ruthless sometimes.
I made sure I timed this perfectly. I took Nola to my grandmothers house and they're on their way to a spa. They'd be no where near their phones and would be distracted while I'm out getting this shit done. We sat for about thirty more minutes before I decided we could go in.
We walked across the street and up the steps of the house. "Aight. Y'all go around the back. Find a window or sumn to come in through. I don't want him to know y'all here until I get in." They nodded and went around the back of the house. I took my fist and banged on the door.
"Who is it?!" He yelled. I ain't even say nothin back. I covered the peep hole with hand which was covered with a glove. Gotta be careful. "Who is it?!" He yelled again. It got quiet for a minute and I placed my hand on my gun. He swung the door open and I quickly drew my gun pointed it at his chest. He raised his hands as he began to stutter. "I-I I don't got any money."
"Get in the fuckin' house." He backed into the house with his hands still in the air. You could see he was scared. He had fear all over his face and he was drenched in sweat. I slammed the door behind me and on cue Quan and Bryson emerged from the kitchen. "Please don't kill me bruh. My girl make all the money." Where Nola find this clown? I shook my head as I waved my gun motioning for him to sit down. "W-What do you want?" He asked.
"Nigga shut up." Quan spat at him. He jerked his head in their direction and he nearly turned white seeing I didn't come alone. He was on the verge of tears. "Aye!" I yelled at him. He looked back at me. I walked up to him holding the gun to his forehead. "So, what you do?" I asked. "I don't work. I told you my girl make all the money. I can get her to bri-" "You ain't shit. I don't even see why you still fucking breathing." He got quiet quickly as Bryson and Quan walked up behind me drawing their guns. I tucked mine and cracked my knuckles a lil bit. I pulled a rope from the waist line of my pants and pulled his arms behind his back. He whimpered as I pulled my brass knuckles from my pocket. "I can't stand niggas like you." "Wh-" I punched him right in his face watching it instantly swell up.
"You a bitch ass nigga. Beating a woman?" He started to speak but before he could even start I started punching him and I just couldn't stop. I was full of rage. His head went left and right as blood spattered the walls. I could hear his nose crack each time I hit him. He was crying out in pain but I didn't care.