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For eons, the legendary stories of Hyrule and its magical powers have been told endless times. As Time's Wheel turned, stories of kings, queens, and heroic knights in green became nothing more than myths. However, there were few that believed these stories of ancient, and a certain individual sought to harvest a legendary power long forgotten. 

As of now, Hyrule stood among the most powerful and wealthiest countries in world. Many even considered it as the strongest super power in the world. 

The Hylian monarchy has long been abolished. For the last two hundred years, Hyrule has taken the form of government known as a constitutional republic, with elections every two to four years to decide which party will take majority of the different branches of the government. As time went on, different parties have come and gone, but as for the last century, congress and the executive branch were primarily dominated by two parties: the Democrats and Republicans. 

Over the last twenty years, terrorist groups have sprung out from the middle eastern part of the world, some even branching closer to western powers like the nation of Hyrule. For precaution, the Hylian armed forces have sought to counter terrorism by placing some of the their military in areas that have succumbed to terrorist regimes, hoping to rid the world of such groups. 

However, one terror group reigned the champion over all. This group was none other than Al-Bidaya, or "the start." Among terror groups, Al-Bidaya is almost unmatched in power, and some even compared their strength to the power of a western military. Throughout time, Al-Bidaya has committed numerous atrocities, most notable being their attack on Hyrule's Faron City in 2011, where members of the group hijacked numerous air crafts and crashed them into multiple skyscrapers. This sent all of Hyrule- if not all of the western world- into a mass panic. After tallying the death count of the attack to around five-thousand, Hyrule's President David Benson, along with Hyrule's allies, rallied for war against these terror groups. 

For the last fifteen years, Hyrule and its western allies have sought to find and capture the leader of Al-Bidaya, Ganondorf Dragmire, but have been unsuccessful. Countless missions, including those of special forces, have taken place, but none have captured the tyrant leader. For a time, his whereabouts were unknown. That was all until Al-Bidaya ravaged the land Gerudia. Gerudia was a near third-world country; most of its citizens lived in heavy poverty due to a previous tyrannical regime, and sought for a new leader that could lead them to prosperity. Eventually, Al-Bidaya won the support of the Gerudic people. To the west's despair, Ganondorf Dragmire and his army had overthrown the previous corrupt monarchy of Gerudia. 

There were many attempts by the west to stop this from happening. Many operations to take out Al-Bidaya's leaders had taken place, some successful, some not. Each time, the terror group would retaliate, and none of the intelligence agencies could predict their moves. However, the west remained careful, the last thing they wanted was to be responsible for another world war. 

Although there was already a clear leader, the country of Gerudia decided to hold a mock election, one in which they would decide the Supreme Leader of the rapidly expanding nation. With one last piece of hope, the west watched as the election took place, hoping that someone could step up and replace Dragmire and his tyrannical regime. 


"We're going to have to go to war, aren't we, Daddy?" The President's eight year old daughter asked as she watched her father and his agents glare at the TV screen.  

President Henderson looked down at his daughter, wanting to comfort her. However, he didn't want to lie to her either. Most likely, they were going to have to declare war on Gerudia, and hopefully other western countries would agree. 

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