Great Escape

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Link's empty stomach growled from within as he stared into the crowd of civilians in the evacuation site. By this time, few guards remained on duty at the base, and the ones who did complained at their commanders for forcing them to watch over civilians while their brothers in arms were dying in battle. 

Overhead, planes and helicopters flew over countless times, as if the entire Hylian military was being dispatched. After every boom or crack of bombs being dropped in the distance, the crowd of Hylian civilians let out a scream. All of them were fearing for the lives of their children and themselves. Around the civilian camp site, thousands of people waited for some sense of safety, but as the battles in the distance raged on, they were beginning to realize that safety wasn't coming to them. 

Lydia stroked Link's hair as they sat on the curb of the road inside the military base. Beside her, her sister, Marin, and her brother in law, Frank argued over something, and because of the sound of planes and gunfire, she could not hear either of them. Frank was clearly upset and he kept motioning towards the forests and empty roads in the distance. On Lydia's mind was nothing but her husband, and she now feared for his life more than she did her own. All she could think about was what he could be doing as of now. She began to question if he was even still alive. Trying to get rid of the terrible thought of losing her beloved husband, Lydia closed her eyes and slightly shook her head. 

Link, now opening his own eyes, studied the base the civilians all resided in. He hadn't noticed this before, but the base was massive. Even through the crowd of people, he could see the large buildings and watch towers that surrounded them. As he watched the endless squadrons of soldiers leave the base, he watched the expressions of the ones he could see clearly. Some were visibly scared, and the others held a stone cold look on their face that showed that they were ready for battle. His mind then drifted to the thought of his father taking off in that helicopter. He then remembered one distinct line from his father.

"I need you to look after Mom, okay?" 

Link stared off into the crowd of civilians. He couldn't help but wonder if his father thought that he was going die. Link closed his eyes to try to hide the tears preparing to come out, but he couldn't help it. He wanted nothing more than to wake up in his cozy bed, realizing this was all some nightmare. However, as time's wheel spun forward, Link realized that this was real, and there was no way out of it. 

"Mommy?" Link said, staring up at his mother. "Is Dad going to die?" 

Lydia's gaze caught her son's, and she took a deep breath.

"No, honey." She said, propping Link up on her lap. "Your Daddy is the toughest of tough. He's gonna be okay. I need you to believe that."

"The radio... they didn't sound okay on there." Link responded grimly as he remembered the terrifying screams of soldiers played on his dad's radio. 

"He's going to be okay, baby. You have to believe that. Nothing good can come from crowding bad thoughts into your head." 

Link sighed, and his mother continued to stroke his blonde hair. 

For a few minutes, Link sat there, staring at the sky. As every helicopter and plane passed over, he thought of his father. All he wanted was to know that he was safe, and maybe taking back the land that the Gerudians had taken from them. His father's smile then gave him a slight bit of hope. Maybe his mom was right... maybe he was okay, he thought. 

"Because it's getting closer to us, Marin! We aren't winning this fight! If we were, all these soldiers wouldn't be leaving us!" 

Link's head quickly jerked to his left. His Uncle Frank and Aunt Marin were still fighting. Both Lydia and Link locked onto the conversation. It was clear to Lydia now what her sister and brother-in-law were arguing about. Frank wanted to leave, and get further away from city. 

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