Relic of Ancients

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One year ago... 

The dim candle light subtly lit the dark chamber of the Gerudian's most protected military base. Inside, Ganondorf Dragmire studied the ancient books of Hyrule's myths for months on end. One night, hours of reading passed by, and Dragmire did not lift his head from the book. His mind was keen on learning of the ancient relic. From page to page, he read closely, taking in every word and storing it in his memory. He knew that most did not believe of these myths, but he also knew of the hidden groups among Hyrule who have taken it as gospel. 

Once Dragmire had taken over Gerudia, he instructed his soldiers to begin searching for the ancient mines, and in just under a year, he had found them. Inside the mines were an element that no one had seen in centuries. It had been so long since the last recording of this strange, purple substance that the name and any records for it had disappeared. From the first moment Dragmire had stepped foot in the cave, he could hear a voice that no one else could. The voice did not sound like his own; it was eerie and ghostly, but the way the voice spoke sounded like his own rhetoric, and that slightly scared him. The voice urged him to search for the ancient relic even more, and told him that he was the only one who could harvest its true power. 

However, he made sure that his studies of Hyrule's forgotten history were hidden from the public. He knew that if it became known, groups like the Sheikah, who he now knew had hidden among the Hylian commoners, would surely hunt him down. Although, he was certain that some of them had been among the ranks of Hylian special forces. As of now, only his most trusted officers truly knew about the power he and his ghostly companion were desperately searching for. 

Ganondorf Dragmire's eyes began to feel heavy, but he needed to go on... and maybe then he could find the ancient catacombs and mine shafts that could lead him to Hyrule's ancient relic. There were days of study where Dragmire began to feel doubtful of these myths, but when he did... the voice would talk inside his head, relieving any doubt that he had. 

His plan to invade Hyrule was already being developed, and the main points of interest were cities where the ancient Hylian catacombs supposedly were. This included the capital, Central City, and all of Dragmire's research had pointed to the catacombs being far, far underneath White House, or somewhere around it. His books had contained ancient maps of Hyrule, some even so old that the writing inside of them was unreadable. The one that was most easily translated happened to be one that dated back almost five-hundred years before the fall of the Hylian monarchy, and this was the map the Gerudians were now basing most of their research off of. 

knock knock knock 

knock knock knock 

Ganondorf Dragmire raised his head off of the book at the sound of someone knocking on the door. Knowing it was one of his officials, he stood up from chair and walked towards the door.

Dragmire stood tall over the officer, and when he opened the door, he waited for him to speak. 

"General Dragmire." The Gerudian officer said, saluting him. "We've captured an injured Hylian Spec-Op." 

Ganondorf sighed. He didn't care about Hylian Spec-Ops. He needed to study to find the relic. 

"And why does this concern me?" He asked grimly. 

"We think he's a Sheikah." 

Ganondorf nearly gasped, and his eyes widened.

"A Sheikah? How so?" He retorted with his arm still on the door. 

"His eyes, they're red." 

Ganondorf then stepped out of the small library office and shut the door. 

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