The Blade of Evil's Bane

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The group stared at the massive stone door in front of them, but no matter how hard they pushed, the door was unwilling to open. It had been about twenty minutes since they arrived at the temple, but they still had no idea how to get inside.

Link had even tried to channel courage to push it open but even then it would not budge. However, when he did so, Impa had noticed the glow around the Triforce on the ground, almost as if it were reacting to Link's power.

"Link, Zelda, come here," Impa said as she stared at the stone floor below her.

Upon her command, both Link and Zelda came to her side.

"Channel your power and stand on your respective pieces."

Impa pointed to the ground, and Link and Zelda stood on the Triforce engraved on the stone floor. As they stood upon it, Impa and the First Sheikan Squadron stood back.

"Ready?" Zelda asked as she locked eyes with Link.

Link nodded his head and Zelda began counting down.

"Three... two... one."

Link took a deep breath, closing his eyes and finding the warm light. He quickly grasped it and pulled it closer to him. When he opened his eyes, his mark was glowing, and he now held a ball of light energy in his hand. Link looked at Zelda who had also done the same thing.

As they did so, the floor began shaking below them, and the Triforce began glowing on the ground. Seconds passed, and the floor still shook, yet the door was not opening. In the split of the second, Link held out his hand towards the door, and the energy in his hand shot out in a ray of light, causing the door to shake as well. Zelda looked at Link with a look of confusion, and she then looked back at Impa who easily saw this. When she locked eyes with Zelda, an idea popped in her head.

"Zelda, do it!"

Zelda held out her arm, sending a beam of light energy towards the door. The light collided with the door, causing everything around them to shake, and sending the door flying open.

Link turned and smiled at Zelda.

When he turned to look at the door, he noticed that it led to nowhere. Even though the door was open, all that he could see was an extremely thick, pure, white mist. The feeling it gave off was... calming... however.

Link turned to Impa, who nodded her head, and began walking past Link and Zelda and into the white fog. When Impa disappeared into it, Zelda called out and followed her in. Of course, Link did the same, and the First Sheikan Squadron followed behind him.

Upon entry, Link was met with the brightest yellow light he had ever seen. He closed his eyes, yet the light still seeped through. Moments passed, and finally, the light faded, and he could open his eyes.

When he opened them, he was met with the sight of a beautifully decorated temple, far different from what he had expected. The walls were a pure, crystalline white. The stairs were accompanied by an intricately designed railway and pure, white floors. There was a perfectly clean red carpet that led into another doorway, and to his surprise, it looked like sunlight was seeping through the windows. In the middle of the floor was another carving of the Triforce, and two statues of knights stood before another large doorway. On top of the doorway was another Triforce, this time accompanied by what looked like a set of wings. Link was amazed it this temple's design, and it fascinated him on how it was kept so tidy. He figured that the astronomical amount of magical power looming in this place allowed it to do so, and what they saw outside was nothing more than a façade.

Inside, there hung a strange hum, although Link could not find the source. Somehow, it felt... strangely familiar to him, but he didn't understand why.

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