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Knock knock knock!

Knock knock knock!

Link slowly opened his eyes to the sound of someone knocking on the door from outside. The room he was now in was still dark, aside from the light seeping in from the hallway outside. As he arose from the bed he was in, Link felt the back of his head, and to his surprise, he felt no wound. Part of it confused him, but the other part scared him.

How long have I been at this place? He thought.

As he opened the door, he was greeted by the same girl he encountered the night before. It was none other than his former classmate, Zelda Henderson.

"Good morning." She said with a warm smile.

Link did not return that expression, instead, his mind wandered to what he was doing here.

"What am I doing here, Zelda?" He scowled.

Zelda sighed. She knew that taking Link away from life was going to be hard. She also knew that it would take a lot of convincing for Link to take up his divine duties.

"We've got a lot to discuss today." She responded.

Link's expression did not change. All he could think about was the concern of his family.

"I don't want to discuss anything. I want to go home."

"I can't let you do that." She said, looking towards the ground. Link noticed her visible sadness. "Not yet."

This only made Link angrier. He didn't care what Zelda had to say. To say the least, he didn't even know her. He wasn't going to stay here just because they happened to go to the same elementary school together.

"Why the hell not?" He said, staring directly into Zelda's eyes, who did not meet his.

As he raised his voice, another figure exited the room to his right. It was a woman with grey hair tied into a ponytail. In the split second he saw her, Link noticed that her eyes were also red.

"What's going on here?" She firmly asked as she glared at both of them.

Upon hearing her voice, Link recognized it to the be that of the same as the woman who had clubbed him... however long ago that was.

"Who even are y'all?" Link yelled again. "Why am I here? I want to go home!"

Zelda looked up at Impa, and Link noticed her look of concern.

"We have some things to discuss, Hero Reborn," Impa said firmly.

This only made Link more confused. This was the second time someone had called him some strange name, and he wasn't fond of it.

"What did you just call me?" He said hostilely. "And what could I possibly have to discuss with you? You don't even know me."

Zelda then turned and began walking down the hallway with her head down. Link could tell that he had somehow hurt her by the way he spoke. However, he didn't care. The only thing that mattered to him was getting back to his family.

Impa noticed Zelda's defeated expression. It even hurt her to see her like that, but she knew that it would happen. Impa then turned back to Link.

"I suggest you use that shower behind you and make yourself look presentable. I'll bring you your clothes."

Link turned behind him, and as he hadn't noticed before, a bathroom stood behind him in the bedroom. He then looked down at himself, and he was wearing a plain, white t-shirt and pants that clearly did not belong to him. Looking back up, he realized that the woman was gone. As he noticed this, he stuck his head out of the doorway and saw no trace of the woman.

The Legend of Zelda: The Hero Reborn (Modern Adventure AU)Where stories live. Discover now