Judgement Day

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Two years later...


The hot, spring, afternoon sun reflected off the cars in line of the Arrowhead Elementary School daily pickup. Zelda Henderson and her classmates waited patiently for their parents to arrive so that they could go home for the weekend. Zelda, a now fourth grader, quite enjoyed school. Nowadays, it was the only time she would get to see her friends, as recent tensions with the tyrannical leader of the rapidly expanding nation of Gerudia continued to escalate. 

Zelda's father was now constantly working, and it was clear to her that he and his agents were in a panic for some reason. For last few months she was at the White House, the main parliament building of the capital that had been her home for the last six years, she always had a feeling of unease. C.I.A. agents, military personnel, and other congressional figures now scattered throughout her home at all times of the day. Ever since Ganondorf Dragmire and his forces had taken over Gerudia, these occurrences seemed to happen more and more. Recently, she had been overhearing her father yell things from across floor, and she assumed that it had something to do with this. She also assumed that something was going to happen due to the amount of agents that were sent to pick her up from school every day. She didn't mind the agents themselves, as they had always been kind to her, but when more agents than normal began to show up, she knew something was up. 

"Zelda Henderson!" A teacher's voice boomed across the sea of quiet elementary-schoolers. 

At the sound of her name, Zelda's head shot up, and she recognized the all black SUV in the carpool line. As she saw the car, she grabbed her small backpack, said goodbye to her friends, and walked over to her car. 

As she neared the car, three secret service agents clad in a black suits and sunglasses stepped out to greet her. One opened the door, while the others took her things from her and placed them in the back of the car. 

That was the last glimpse Link Aldamear and the rest of his fourth grade friends saw of the President's daughter. Although they knew of her, they really didn't know anything about her. There were hundreds of kids in fourth grade at Arrowhead Elementary, and most of Link's friends resided in his own thirty-kid-class. Those outside of his class, apart from the ones who he had the same class with years prior, he never really knew, and the President's daughter was one of them. Every day, it intrigued the youth to watch the special agents pick up their classmate from school.

"What do you think it's like to live at the White House?" A boy asked his group of friends. 

Link was quick to respond, as it had crossed his mind multiple times when he had watched Zelda get picked up. 

"I bet you got lots of good food... and I bet you get anything that you want. I've also heard that they even have their own bowling alley and stuff like that." 

His friends laughed at his response, and a smile tugged at his lips when he heard his friends laughing. 

"Yeah, I bet she can play all the video games and eat all the ice cream she wants." Another boy added. 

"That's the life I wanna live!" 

"Hey, you boys! Quiet! Other kids won't hear their names being called!" A teacher scolded, holding up her pointer finger to her lips. 

The boys were quick to stop chattering and giggling. Waiting for his Dad to pick him up, he leaned back on his backpack and closed his eyes. He couldn't wait to get home and maybe play some baseball, shoot some baskets, go hunting, or just do flat out anything with his dad. Other than his school friends, Link's best friend was his father, and he enjoyed every minute he could spend with him.

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