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A/N: Don't forget, Niobe's prequel has officially been published. The story is titled "The Rise of The Clone Wars." Also, I love hearing from you guys, and thank you for reading!


Peter swung into Niobe's garden, setting off alarms. The response was less hurried this time. Steve walked in, still wiping sleep from his eyes. 

"I need help!" Peter said. 

The boy still held a bleeding Niobe to his chest. Steve's eyes widened and he ran to Peter taking Niobe into his own arms.

Peter followed Steve as the soldier made a mad dash towards the medical bay. A cold chill overcame Steve as he placed Niobe on a bed. He wondered how often he would have to see her like this. He wondered how much more he could take. 

OOOWhen Niobes eyes opened, she was blinded

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When Niobes eyes opened, she was blinded. She let out a hiss, alerting those still by her bed. As her vision adjusted, her stomach dropped.

She fought to find her voice as she stared at the man by her bed. His eyes were clouded with tears. They embraced with a strength Niobe's body was not yet ready for.

"I thought-," Niobe said.

"I know," Anakin said.


"Yesterday," he said.

They pulled apart. He had his blonde curls, his baby blue eyes. Niobe laughed when she noticed the scar over his eye. Anakin laughed with her. He had been following her thoughts.

"I had to," Anakin said.

Niobe placed a hand on his cheek.

"I am so thankful," Niobe said. "So, so thankful."

They brought their foreheads together, basking in the moment, the feeling of one another's touch.

"I hate to break this up but," Tony said.

There was a slap and a resounding exhale. Niobe gave a teary chuckle. She glanced at the other side of her bed. Peter was laying on a couch still in uniform. Clint and Tony stood with open arms in front of her, they looked a mess. Steve sat in a chair beside her, his eyes dark.

"You gotta stop doing this to us," Tony said.

"I had to keep Peter safe and he tends to attract danger," Niobe said.

Clint and Tony wrapped her up in their arms. Her sides felt as though they were being pulled apart, but she wanted to enjoy the warmth they provided more than she minded the pain. They moved away. 

"I'm just glad you woke up," Steve said.

"Helen?" Niobe asked.

"She's on her way back from Korea," Tony said. "We didn't tell her about the incident. She only knows that Anakin woke up."

Niobe nodded. She grabbed onto Anakin's hand.

"Now that he's awake..." Steve said.

Niobe frowned. Steve had asked the question no one wanted to know the answer to.

"I guess this means I have to leave," Niobe said. 


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