Chapter 4- Fight!

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"Yeah, that's me! Midoriya! Remember now?" Deku asked, his voice growing more and more maniacal with every syllable . "Do you feel guilty for crushing my dreams and leaving me in the dust? Probably not, because all you heroes seem to think about is your own fame and fortune! How does it feel to know that it's your fault why Iida and Kirishima, two great students in 1-A, are now dead?!"

All Might's eyes widened. "No... you didn't... you couldn't..." he breathed out.

"Uh, yeah I did!" Deku cried out. "Now, time to get this show on the road!"

All Might stood there, confused, because he thought that the young boy didn't have a quirk of his own. Unfortunately for him, he was far from the truth.

Deku sped around him so quickly using his newly obtained quirk, Rocket, that All Might dizzily (is that a word?) almost fell to the floor. Deku saw this, and so he used the quirk he took from his mentor-then-rival, and punched him straight in the face.

It would seem as though the fight was over, but then Uraraka walked down the hallway and bumped into All Might. Forgetting that it was All Might, she helped him up and then quickly sped off.

"Not so fast," All Might yelled. Using what little power from One For All that he had left, he grabbed the two villains and kept them in check by holding them against the wall. "now tell me what you two are doing back at UA.

The villains remained silent, not wanting to spill their plans to the former hero. The two of them knew it ws time to initiate their emergency escape plan.

Flashback brought to you by me trying to explain stuff

"So, you two are now villains?" All For One had confronted them about their villain status. "Wouldn't it be easier if you had a backup, extra quirk to help you? I would be glad to help out two aspiring villains wanting to cause destruction and overthrow the heroes, especially ones who have experience wiht how harsh the hero world can be."

Deku and Uraraka just nodded, not wanting to upset him, knowing how much destruction he has caused before.

"Well then, I will give you both two more quirks. Izuku Midoriya, or Deku," he responded, "you will soon have a quirk called Rocket and a quirk called Draw. With Rocket, you will have small rocket boosters on the bottoms of your feet, which will allow you to run much faster, and fly for a short amount of time. With the quirk Draw, anything you draw will literally come to life, but it will look exactly how it looks like in the drawing and at any size you desire. Now Ochaco Uraraka, or Uravity," he looked at her to make sure she was listening. "Your two new quirks will be Rubber and Telepath. With Rubber, you will be able to manipulate the state of any object to be like rubber, but only one object at a time. Telepath is fairly obvious, you can read the minds of the people around you, as long as you are within ten feet of them."

Later...(still in the flashback)

After Deku and Uraraka recieved their new quirks, they devised a plan for when they are both captured and it's hard for them to fight their way out.

"Okay, so if you use your quirk, Rubber, you can make yourself wriggle your way out of the situation, then once you're free and at a good distance, you can free me. Also, did you like the pun? Get it? Rubber? Wriggle out-"

Uraraka sighed. "Yes, Deku, I understood the pun. So after we're both free, maybe you can use Rocket and I'll use my original quirk to run away."

"Great idea, Ocha!" Deku replied. "Alright, let's get prepared for our next scheme..."

Flashback end

"Ocha, now!" yelped Deku. Uraraka used her obtained quirk, Rubber, to wriggle out of All Might's grasp. All Might didn't anticipate this, and so he didn't know how to fight against it. After Uraraka had wriggled free, she ran further down the hallway and used her quirk on Deku, causing him to tumble out of All Might's hold. The two of them ran down the hallway, and just as All Might had caught up to them, they were floating outside the window, Uraraka using Anti-gravity on the two of them, and Deku about to use Rocket.

"See you another time!" Deku cheered happily, and they zipped away.

774 words (the longest chapter I've written across both of my currently existing books!)

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