Chapter 8- Chase

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A/N: The picture is not mine! Also, sorry for not updating in a while 😬

Deku and Uraraka stared sprinting down the hallway, dodging attacks left and right.

"Deku, you damned nerd! You'll pay for what you've done!" Bakugou screamed. The more he ran after the two, the more he sweated, allowing him to just propel himself further ahead. Tsuyu was also close behind them, only starting to get warmed up.

Deku glanced behind them for a split second, then yelled to Uraraka, "Time for Plan B!"

Uraraka nodded, and the Deku activated his second quirk, Rocket. He grabbed Uraraka's hand, propelling them both far ahead of the other students.

Yaoyorozu knew that if they didn't do something quickly enough, the two villains would escape, leaving closer to no faith left in the hero society. So she created something in a flash, and then got Sero to stick it to Uraraka with his tape. He shot tape out of his elbow with the item attached to it, and it flew past a small crowd of the hero course students and onto Uraraka's back.

Uraraka's POV

Deku and I are speeding down the hallway, using All For One's gift to him. "Yes!" I think. "We'll get out of here alive! I don't know what I would do if Deku got captured by the heroes..." My train of thought got cut short, as I realized that something had attached itself to my back. As Deku kept carrying me, I tried to take the gadget off, only to realize just how stuck it was.

"Dang it, Sero! Why does your tape have to work so well?!"

I ended up brushing it off in my mind as an attempt to re-focus on the task currently at hand.

3rd Person's POV

Little did the villain know, that gadget definitely shouldn't have simply been brushed off as nothing. In fact, that something would soon turn the tides on the former hero course students. In fact, it was the tracker leading the pros right to them.

"Stop it right there, you two!" Midnight shouted from the other end of the hallway. Eraserhead (Aizawa), Present Mic (Yamada), Nezu, Thirteen, and Cementoss stood behind her. "You two villains aren't going anywhere!

The two villains took note that All Might wasn't there, and turned around, only to see the entire first-year hero course standing behind them.

"Oh no..." Deku thought worriedly. "Are they really going to win? Again? After all of the s**t that the hero society has done? Ochaco doesn't deserve this, it's all my fault that she's caught in this mess, we never should have loved each other, I should have pushed her away-" He stopped suddenly, as he re-entered reality and realized that he and Ochaco, the only person who was there for him, was there in cuffs too.

"No," he breathed out. "No. No. No, no, no, no, no, nononononononono! NO! NOT OCHACO!" His mutters grew into shouts aimed at his captors as Tsuyu and Midnight pulled her away and led her down the hallway. The villain boy tried to go after her, but was pushed down by Bakugo's foot.

They all looked at him in shock. They knew that the two expelled students had grown close to each other, but they never knew that they had been this close. All of them, however, except for Katsuki Bakugou.

"Serves you right, damned nerd," Bakugou said victoriously. "Got any last words for you to speak out of free will?"

"Actually, yes!" Deku replies cheerfully. Too cheerfully, especially considering the situation he was currently in. "You were right, Kacchan. I never did become a hero. And I hope you know," his voice got more aggressive with every syllable. "I hope you f**king know that it's all the fault of this stupid hero society! Especially the a**holes like you who resent people for being born lower than yourself and your fake friends. Take a swan dive of the roof, and hope you get a better personality in your next life!"

Deku's POV

I didn't even struggle as they took me away. I already knew that in that moment, the one person that I resented the most for all my life, would finally stop being a thorn in my side. In fact, I even sighed in relief.

726 words (woah...)

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