Chapter 6- Truth

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A/N: Shinso is replacing Mineta in class 1-A. This chapter also has some swearing, because Bakugo. Thanks for reading!

Class 1-A was freaking out, and that was still an understatement. After the gas cleared from the smoke bomb, they realized that two of their classmates were dead. Hagakure was the first to notice the disapearance of Iida, and went outside the classroom to see if he was outside. 

She tiptoed her way out the classroom, looked at the ground, and screamed at what she saw. 

This caught the attention of the whole class. Bakugo then realized that Kirishima was missing as well. He pushed his way through the crowd of people now crowding around the door, and saw Hagakure's school uniform (only the uniform bc she's literally invisible) by the bodies of Kirishima and Iida sprawled out on the floor. Kirishima's skin was a strange green-purple color, while Iida's neck seemed to have rope burns on it. 

Yaoyorozu stepped forward and felt their foreheads. They were cold, way too cold for them to be alive, let alone healthy. She panicked, then cooled down for a bit to check their pulses. Both were deadly still. 

Sero asked, "Should we get Recovery Girl?" Yaoyorozu shook her head. 

"No," she whispered, unsure if she could make her voice any louder without having a breakdown. "They're gone."

"No they're not!" Bakugo yelled. "We have to save them! Every stupid f*cking second we're standing around here is another second they're losing! You stupid sh*tty a**holes are-"

"But Recovery Girl uses the patient's stamina in order to heal them, doesn't she?" Todoroki pointed out. Bakugo, who seemed to havae forgotten this, immediately paled. But, soon enough, he got enraged again.

"Well then we'll take them to the f*cking hospital then, half-and-half b*stard!" he yelled again, only to be stopped by Yaoyorozu. 

"Bakugo, stop!" she cried. Surprisingly, he asctually stopped to hear her out. "When I said they're gone, I meant they're gone." She then started crying at the loss of her classmates. "I- i checked their pulses and t-they-they were still. Their foreheads are also t-t-too cold for them to be alive."

Bakugo's face suddenly twisted, not into an expression of anger, but one of grief. Then, it struck him. His best friend was dead.

"WHy are all of you outside the classroom?" The students of class 1-A looked up and saw their homeroom teacher standing in front of them. "Get in the room, I have to tell you all something."

The students silently walked in. "Did they already find out?" Aizawa wondered. He looked down and saw two of his students laying on the floor. "I guess they did," he thought as he walked into the classroom. 

"Alright, announcement." The students perked up, just a bit so they could see their teacher. In surprise, the lifted their heads up off their desks further. Their cold teacher wasn't in a sleeping bag, and his voice sounded... emotional? That was new, even for them. 

"So I assume you know about how two of your classmates was attacked. Midoriya and Uraraka were their killers." The whole class went into a rage, but then cooled off relatively quickly, realizing that their former classmates were now villains. 

Timeskip brought to you by Aizawa's sleeping bag

A whole week had passed since the attack. Class 1-A was still down about the deaths of Iida and Kirishima and the fact that two of the formerly most innocent of their class had killed them.

Meanwhile, at Deku and Uraraka's hideout...

579 words

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