Chapter 9- Questioning

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Pure white light glared into his eyes as a Deku woke up. He found is hands chained up behind his back, and he wasn't able to use any of his quirks.

"Quirk-suppressing, huh. What a shame that my record doesn't still label me as quirkless. That would have been helpful." the young villain thought.

Tsukauchi, the detective who knew about All Might's smaller form, walked into the room. The door creaked as he shut the door slowly.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions." Tsukauchi stated slowly.


"So, Izuku Midoriya, why did you decide to become a villain?" Tsukauchi asked from across the table.

"Well, it's not like I had any other good options," Deku stated calmly. Tsukauchi raised an eyebrow. "The heroes treated me like crap, so I knew I'd never fit in there. In the words of my high-and-mighty bully, I simply wasn't able to hang with the best of the best. I'd be lucky to end up as a sidekick for some busted D-lister, as he had put it. That I should have taken a swan dive off the roof and hope for a quirk in my next life. Really takes me back to middle school all over again."

"Okay then, who exactly was this bully you speak of?" Tsukauchi questioned carefully.

"Wasn't it obvious?" Deku chuckled slightly. "Bakugou."

Tsukauchi was shocked. Bakugou? Sure, he was competitive, and had quite the attitude, but telling someone to kill themself?

Tsukauchi cleared his throat. "Anyways, I also came here to inform you that your mother will be visiting you tomorrow evening." He said, cool as ever. "Good luck explaining to her what you've done."

He saw Deku's face pale as he thought about his mother, guilty that he left her alone, without an explanation or another word. Nevertheless, he closed the door on his way out. (Please get that reference)

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