Chapter 5- What?!

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A/N: I removed the A/N from before because it's not Easter anymore 😜

All Might watched in silence as the two young villains left. He felt so guilty knowing that he was the cause of the boy's pain, and that the school he taught at was the reason the two former to-be-heroes had killed two of the best students in Class 1A. Not only that, now they both had multiple quirks and there soon would be no more symbol of peace.

"Oh, stop moping and do something helpful, Toshi!" For some reason, his conscience always sounded so much like Nana to him, which at the moment just made him feel worse. "Come on, you should tell the other teachers!"

And so, he ran down to the teachers' office, where he saw Eraserhead being consoled by Present Mic with Midnight and Nezu in the corner of the room. As Midnight saw him walk in the room, she bombarded the newer teacher with questions.

"Where were you? Did you hear about the villains? Do you know anything about them? They killed two of the students in Shota's class!"

Luckily for All Might, Nezu stepped in between him and Midnight. "Hold on, you have to give him time to answer each question," he explained. Midnight shrunk ever so slightly, and Nezu turned his gaze over to All Might. "But really, we were all so scared for you!" he chided. "We didn't know if you were hurt, kidnapped, or even ki-"

"It was young Midoriya and Uraraka." All MIght managed to say. "They were the villains."

Everyone in the room sat in silence for a bit. It was Aizawa who broke the silence. "This was my fault," he whispered. Everyone was still shocked, and Present Mic scooted closer to him. "I was the one who expelled them. If I hadn't done that, then- then Iida and Kirishima would still be alive!"

No one reallly knew what to tell him, except for Present Mic who stayed near him and kept whispering, "It wasn't your fault."

All Might didn't believe that the seemingly cold-hearted teacher that expelled almost his entire class once was the same person in front of him in that moment. In an attempt to make him feel better, he said, "It wasn't your fault. It was mine, for telling him that it wasn't realistic for a quirkless person to become a hero. I was the one who set young Midoriya and young Uraraka on this path."

"Yes it was! It was my fault!" He exclaimed. "It's all my f*cking fault, and you can't convince me otherwise. If I hadn't gone and expelled them, like the careless *sshole that I am, then they would still be alive! I'm a murderer! I don't deserve to be here! I'm no hero, I'm just a villain, at best."

Aizawa finally got up. Walking out the door, he said, "I'd better tell my students- or the ones who are still alive- the news." And with that, he walked away.

The remaining teachers stood in the room silently. What had happened to Class 1A's homeroom teacher?

524 words

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