Chapter 7- Again

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"Ugh, that was close!" Uraraka exclaimed, annoyed that they had gotten caught, and by All Might at that.

"Too close," Deku agreed. "Well, that was fun though!" He sprung up. "Let's do that again! Infiltrate UA, making people lose faith in not only their security, but the pro heroes working there as well. And on top of that, maybe kill a few students, and possibly even a pro hero!"

His lover (and, quite frankly, the only person who really tolerated him) agreed. "Yeah, but we'll need to be much more careful this time. "Let's plan out in more depth this time. Those gas bombs worked on the students, but we'll need to prepare for everyone's quirks too. We didn't do that last time."

"Finally, those pathetic notes I took on those annoying pro heroes will finally have a use!"Deku exclaimed. "So, the teachers at UA are Eraserhead, Present Mic, Nezu, Midnight...

Timeskip to the day Deku and Uraraka attack

"Okay, are you ready?" Deku asked Uraraka. "Today's the big day!" He faltered, looking at her face. "Hey, what's wrong?"

She sighed. "It's just that I can't help but feel like something's going to go wrong today."

Deku replied, "Well then, we'll be extra super careful!" with that last bit of cinnamon-roll attitude left in him.

Before the two left, Uraraka saw a chance and took it. "Hey, be careful, okay? I don't want my favorite person ever to be hurt..." She said, in the cutest voice she could muster. Before the strange wave of courage wore off, she kissed Deku quickly on the lips.

Just like when they were still at school, Deku blushed and hid his face. "Is it really true I'm your favoriiiiiiiiiiitttteeeee person?" He responded, muffled by his arms. (Anyone catch the reference?)

As they approached the school, they saw Hound Dog from far away. They rolled in the forest before this, so now they didn't smell suspicious and wouldn't attract Hound Dog. Next, there was the wall. The two quickly used Uraraka's quirk to float up to the school roof. From there, they slipped in through the hatch connecting the roof and the inside of the building (I really don't know, please just go with it). They were sneaking by unnoticed, until they were almost at the classroom for 1A.

The alarm went off, and the hero course students quickly rushed out of the classrooms, (1A and 1B) and quickly noticed the two villains outside.

"You..." Bakugou said in anger, with a hint of sadness still lingering. "You'll pay for what you've done, Deku and Round Face!" He screeched. Charging after them with explosions in his hands, the two made eye contact and nodded. They knew that they only had one option now.

To run.
461 words

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