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My head was pounding and I really didn't want to open my eyes. I heard some knocks on the door but I ignored it, they could come in if they wanted to and if not they could come back later. But they kept knocking and I just groaned, leave me alone. I turned around and put the blanket over my head to mute the sound a little bit.

"Logan it's already 2pm, you need to clean the house get out of the bed." What. The. Fuck. That wasn't my mom and that clearly wasn't my name. I sat up within a second, making my head pound even more but I didn't care. This wasn't my room either. I looked next to me and saw Logan laying there, still sleeping peacefully. No clothes, I wasn't wearing any as well. Fuck, fuck, fuck and fuck.

We had sex, I remember. Nick is going to kill me and I was about to cry. I'm a fucking idiot.

"You better be downstairs in thirty minutes otherwise you ain't coming outside for the next two weeks Logan." I heard his mom walking downstairs and I panicked for a second. I didn't come home last night and Nick would've noticed that for sure. Fuck me, really. Where the fuck was my phone? I had to text anyone, I didn't care who. Michelle and Emily had to know I was still here, I remember going upstairs with Logan a few minutes after we saw Emily and Frank kissing, so they for sure noticed that at some point Logan and I were gone.

I saw my phone on the ground, somewhere between our clothes, not that mine were much but they were there. I climbed over Logan, feeling a little awkward because I was completely naked. Before grabbing my phone I first put on my lingerie, I never felt too comfortable when I was naked.

Okay, maybe I had to wake up Logan because he was going to get into some trouble if he wasn't downstairs within twenty-five minutes. But I had to check my phone first.

nick: are you awake?

I had more messages from him and my hands were trembling, I could literally start crying any moment. If he knows what I did, he won't forgive me. Who the fuck is he to be mad at me? But he had the rights, even though he did the exact same thing. I knew how heartbreaking it was to find out your sibling fucked one of your best friends, I knew my situation was different because Logan and I were going on small dates and really talked, but still. I loved Nick to death and no other man will ever be more important to me than Nick was. I opened his texts.

nick: mitch told me y'all were staying at her house cause I didn't gave you enough money to drive all three of you home, sorry em.

nick: how was the rest of the night?

nick: i hope for your ass that I ain't gonna see you twerking on some ones social

nick: for fucks sake emma why u on nathan's story throwing ass

nick: idc if you come back hungover

nick: ur really putting shame on ur own name

nick: you don't need that shit why were you doing that u already had enough attention in these clothes emma tf

nick: are you awake?

Okay, this wasn't good and I was still fucked, but at least Michelle saved my ass. I gave him a quick and easy reply, telling him that I didn't know at what time I was going to be home but I would come back today. I tapped Logan's shoulder, trying to wake him up. After a little while of being fucking annoying he woke up.

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