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I had to act like it was a punishment when Nick asked me to pick up the guys, I even pretended like I was mad and that it was his problem. But of course I loved the fact that I could see Logan before they all were at our place.

Our parents went to Mexico to visit our family, they would be gone for a week and of course Nick claimed the weekend for his friends. Luckily he wasn't throwing a big party, he just invited the boys and Chris for a boys night. However, I was not going to stay in my room the entire and Nick knew that. He didn't agree, but I didn't care. In this way I could hang with Logan, not how I wanted but this was better than nothing.

To be honest, I didn't even know why I had to pick up the boys since they all had their own drivers license. Probably Nick being too excited about driving around in his car and promising them to pick them up. Nick forgot that he promised Chris to go to the mall, at the same time he promised to pick the guys up. Chaotic, that's all I have to sat. Sometimes I don't believe that man is my brother. But he gifted me a car for my 18th birthday, so I have to love him.

I arrived at Logan's place, where the boys would all get together to be picked up. I haven't seen Frank, Danny and Julian after the halloween party and that made me feel a little bit awkward, I wasn't even sure about what they knew. Okay, they had to know Logan and I had sex that night, but besides that, I have no idea what Logan tells them.

Logan already opened the door for me, standing there with a big and excited smile and I couldn't help but smile as well.

"Hello gorgeous." He greeted me as he let me walk inside of his arms. I was thankful that Nick forgot the promise he had with Chris, otherwise I had to act like I didn't know Logan at all the entire night. Now I could enjoy him for a few minutes.

"How have you been." I asked and pressed a small kiss on his lips. I walked past him to put my coat on the rack, I knew the boys weren't here yet because them bitches were always late.

"Good, I'm happy to see you." I felt my cheeks get red and tried my best to not show him. "Want something to drink? They're still on their way." He said as if I didn't know that yet.

"I know, Nick wanted me to leave the house later because 'the boys would never be on time'. I left earlier for you, dumb ass." He chuckled and gave me a kiss in my hair. I followed him to the kitchen were his mom was doing some cleaning.

"Hey Emma! Nice to see you honey, how are you?"

"Hello Mrs. Mendoza, I'm good. Thank you for asking." I smiled and started chatting with Logan's mom. I was happy I got along with his family so well, Slade once stole Logan's phone when I was facetiming him. Slade locked himself up in the bathroom and we talked for thirty minutes until Logan got seriously pissed. It was quite funny and the conversation we had wasn't awkward at all, not even for a second.

Logan made himself comfortable on the kitchen counter while his mom and I were talking about my family. I saw him smile in the corner of my eye, I knew his family was important to him so he was glad I could talk with his mom like this. I felt someone pull my hair a little and since Logan was on the kitchen counter it for sure was Slade. He walked to the fridge and I ran my hand trough his hair.

"My god, do I need to be jealous now?" Logan sighed.

"Yes, Ima steal your girl watch me." Slade joked and stuck out his tongue. I laughed and gave him a playful smack against his shoulder.

HIDDEN -  𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐚 - l.mWhere stories live. Discover now