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The biggest lesson in life: don't rush things.

A thing Logan and I did ten years ago. Being nineteen and thinking you really need to be in that relationship to clarify you love each other was a big lie. I didn't need that, I knew I loved him, but the relationship wasn't very needed in the end. We had to wait, but for what exactly? Maybe for Nick to grow the fuck up, or me to be sure about everything. We will never know, but we just had too.

Breaking up with Logan felt like it was a big mistake the first few weeks, even months. I needed a lot of time to realize it wasn't a big mistake, it was the best thing to do, maybe the best choice in my life. But realizing it was the best choice of my life needed more time than just a few months. It needed years.

I think I was twenty-five at that time. Michelle forced me into coming to our school reunion, I really didn't want to go because I didn't want to see what the guys that have been hitting on me my entire high school life, have become. She told me we didn't have to stay for a long time, just say hi and have a little chat with a few of our old classmates. I eventually said yes, because Emily already said no and I knew how bad Michelle wanted to go. Saying no would make me feel bad for her.

So I did go, not knowing what to expect but I just went, hoping we would leave soon. We walked in and I never wanted to leave so soon in my life. All the guys, Justin, Christian and the rest of that desperate group, were there and they still looked like they were fucking annoying. Michelle noticed that I really wanted to leave, but convinced me into staying. We grabbed some punch and stood there looking around. Daisy, one of the prettiest girl we had in our school back then, walked in just minutes after we arrived.

I think I almost dropped my drink, and for sure my jaw. Just like Michelle did, by the way. Logan fucking Mendoza walked in with her. He wasn't even from our school, not even as old as we all were. That meant he was dating her.

Sweetea had blown up in that past few years, so this time even Justin was impressed big his presence. They had millions of subscribers, which I loved to see because these boys still had my heart. I even watched all of them and sometimes talked with Julian about it, we still had contact, but not too much. Sometimes we checked up on each other and went on with our day. The guys were doing great, exactly what I told Logan that would happen and I was so happy for them. They deserved it big time.

Seeing him with Daisy didn't make me jealous at all, it didn't make me miss him or made me realized I should've never left him. He looked amazing, I couldn't lie about that. I did understand why I fell in love with him years ago, he still had that bright smile and twinkling eyes. Still gorgeous. I was happy for him, the way I've always been.

It didn't take him too long to notice me, when he did he seemed surprised. He clearly didn't forget about me or my personality, or the shit I hated. He was surprised because he knew I would normally never show up on shit like this. When I saw his surprised face, I pointed to Michelle, he nodded and laughed. No bad blood between us. Took him five minutes before he walked up to us and gave us both a hug. Suddenly I didn't want to leave.

Logan and I were talking for an hour straight, he totally ignored Daisy and I totally forgot about Michelle. We exchanged numbers, to keep in touch because we couldn't tell everything in an hour. I laughed like I hadn't in a while, only Logan could make me do that. It felt like we never lost contact in all these years.

So we met up, a few times, to catch up and have fun. He was still with Daisy, but he never actually told anything about her. They met at some party a year after Logan and I broke up, that's all I knew. But we had so much fun every time we were together, he didn't lost his sense of humour and neither did I. We got along like we did years ago and it felt great. I still lived in our old town, the guys had moved. Logan came to my town many times and one time he pulled up with a truck, something I of course was familiar with already. He drove me to the place we watched the sunset back when I was nineteen. He told me that this was the favorite thing we did together, because I fell asleep and started talking in my sleep, somehow ended up saying I love you.

HIDDEN -  𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐚 - l.mWhere stories live. Discover now