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I felt Logan's hand in my hair and his lips on my forehead. I fell asleep in his arms last night and I haven't got out of them. I assumed Logan just woke up and tried to wake me up as well, but I didn't want to. I enjoyed the warmth of his body against mine. I groaned softly, moving a little bit so I could make it comfortable for myself.

"Baby, wake up, I know you can hear me." I mumbled a soft no and hid my face in his neck, giving him a small kiss. Logan chuckled. "Emma, my mom is getting us some breakfast, we should get up." Oh shit, I forgot. I was meeting Logan's parents today. I don't think there was a more awkward way of meeting someone's parents for the first time and I don't have experience with meeting parents yet, but I feel like a breakfast isn't a very common occasion to do that.

I opened my eyes slowly, not wanting to do that at all but I couldn't disappoint Logan. I got up a little to look into Logan's brown eyes, which were sparkling as if there was a puppy in front of him. He loved puppies, so it was the sweetest thing.

"Look at you, sleeping beauty." He said and smiled. I ran a hand through my hair, knowing it was shit because I could never lay still.

"Good morning babe, you snored." I told him, he did snore, but that was actually cute. It was soft and peaceful, not loud and annoying.

"I don't snore." He exclaimed offended.

"Yes you did, you're a pig." I teased him and gave him a little kiss on his nose. Logan rolled me on top of him, resting his both hands on my lower back. I started playing with the two hair tufts that hanged loosely on his forehead. He rolled his eyes all the way up, trying to see what I was doing.

"I am sure I do not snore, Emma." I shrugged.

"Well then let's just not believe what my ears heard." Logan sighed, rolled his eyes and rolled me over, him being on top of me. He started tickling me and I tried to get him off of me, kicking with my legs and pushing with my arms. But he was too heavy and too strong. Tears were streaming down my face of laughter and I couldn't breath properly

"Log s-s-stop." I said, well I tried to say.

"If you tell me the truth I'll might stop." I did tell him the truth, I just exaggerated a bit. He didn't stop, which I hoped he would because at some point his hands had to become tired. I tried to find a way to get out of this, I could try to kick him in his privates, but that was too painful and I wasn't that mean yet. I suddenly came up with an idea. I quickly put my hand in his hair and pulled it. It made him stop immediately.

"Ouch." He cried and tried to get my hand out of his hair, but how closer he got to my hand how harder I pulled his hair. "Okay okay Emma, I'll stop, please stop this shit hurts." I giggled and let go of his hair. He let himself fall next to me and sighed.

"You're a bitch for doing that, you know that right?" He said, trying to make eye contact with me. I looked next to me and just smiled by the cute sight of Logan looking at me with his big puppy eyes. I got on top of him.

"I know, but you didn't want to stop tickling me." I started playing with his chain.

"I wanted to stop, I swear." He said as he ran his hand up en down my back, making me shiver a little bit. Every little touch made my body go crazy. "Shivering I see." He smirked, knowing that my body couldn't handle his touches yes.

HIDDEN -  𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐚 - l.mWhere stories live. Discover now