t h i r t e e n

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We were all at Julian's house, and with all I mean the boys and Emma with her friends. I was unusually quiet, Emma and I had a conversation before we drove to Julian's and that conversation had me thinking a lot. She told me about Nick, that she got upset because she realized she had neglected their brother and sister bond and I was the reason for that. She asked a lot of questions, making it clear that she was insecure about us. I did not want her to be insecure about us, she had no reason to be. I loved her unconditionally, so it hurts me that she feels like I'm not sincere with her.

Emma doesn't know, I couldn't tell her because it would stress her out, but Nick is a bitch when it comes to boys and Emma. That's a fact that Emma of course already knew, but what she didn't knew was that he talked with us about his suspects. He made it obvious that there would be no boy good enough for her, and that he didn't have friends that would be good enough for her either. We asked him, because I had hope that he wouldn't make such a big deal about Emma and I dating. In a subtle way, we suggested him to introduce Emma to a friend of his he trusted. He laughed ironically when we said that. He even said that none of us would be good enough for her and we shouldn't even try.

I felt bad for Emma, I know she loved Nick a lot and she would be heart broken if Nick would get mad about us. He was going to be mad, we both knew. That's why I was very quiet, which made the boys concerned because they know I could never shut up. They didn't know about the conversation Emma and I had before we got here.

"Julian buy us food." Emily said when she walked out of Julian's kitchen.

"What the fuck were you doing in my kitchen?" No one noticed that she went to the kitchen, to probably look for some food. I heard Emma whisper 'fucking fatass' while chuckling. She had her back against the side of my body, holding the hand that I've put around her shoulder while she rested one leg on Michelle's lap.

"I want food but you don't have any."

"Dude I want some McDonalds, can we go get some?" Danny said, looking at Julian as if he needed permission from his dad. They al started talking about where they should get some food because everyone was craving something else. Emma turned her face a little so she could make eye contact.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, trying to not catch anyone else's attention. I gave her a sweet smile, being thankful she checked on me and just nodded. She smiled back, making me melt a little because gosh she was so beautiful. "Are you working next weekend?" She suddenly asked.

"No, why?" She laid down on my lap, resting her face on the armrest so she could face me.

"Nick and my parents are off for the weekend, wanna stay at my place?" Emma said, while playing with my cross earring. I know she liked them, that's why I was always wearing them when she was around. Just seeing her excited about stupid little shit made my day, and she got excited when I would wear stuff she liked just for her.

"Of course baby." I answered, caressing her soft cheek. I never stayed at her place before, that was obviously not possible. So my mom adopted her, since she was around almost everyday. Emma kind of was the daughter she never had and I was glad the two got along so well. I bended over so I could give her a kiss on her forehead.

"Y'all disgusting." Frank said and Emma got up to stick her tongue out. We totally missed out on what we were going to eat, so we had to agree with whatever their idea was.

HIDDEN -  𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐚 - l.mWhere stories live. Discover now