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You were in the library, reading some random books you've got after you're done doing the homework. You were flipping through the pages when suddenly a girl went towards you.

“Y/N, the principal wish to meet your for a minute in his office.” She said while whispering.

“Thanks for telling me, Chaeyeon unnie.” You said after nodding your head towards her as you whisper back.

“No problem and by the way, I'll go meet Chaeryoung and Sakura first. See ya later.” She whisper back while walking away.

You sigh and close the book that you're reading and then put them all back into their shelf before heading towards the principal's office.

When you're done, you walked out from the library and made your way to the principal's office. You knocked on the door and a few second later, you heard his voice.

“Come in.”

You enter the office and close the door back. You walked towards his table and he looked up just to see you're standing there with a straight face.

“Oh, Y/N! Finally, you're here and please have a sit first.” He told you to sit on the couch beside his table.

You walked towards the couch and sit on the opposite couch where he was sitting on.

“What's wrong Mr Kim? Why did you want to meet me?” You asked after making yourself comfortable enough on the couch.

“Well, I want to meet you up today because I've received a letter from an academy. They say they need at least one students from here.” He explain while you just blink your eyes.

“Why would they need a student from here?” You asked and he smile.

“Well, it's because they got some sort of problems with their academy's leader. So, they want you to be transferred there.”

“Wait, why me tho? There's a lot of other students can take that position. I mean if I transferred there, who will replaced me?” You asked while scratching your chin.

“Well that's the point I wanna meet you up, Miss Chae. So, are you agreed to transferred there?” He asked with his face that explaining everything.

“Fine but in one condition. Let me bring Yuqi with me there.” You said and he smile.

“Sure thing, Miss Chae but what about you're positions?” He asked again.

“Let Chaeyeon, Chaeryoung and Sakura lead this academy. They're great enough to lead the positions.” You stated and he nodded.

“Okay then, it's settled I see.”

“But, Mr Kim. How long will I be there?” You asked while raising an eyebrow towards him

“Forever.” He said while he smile innocently towards you.

Your eyes widened as you heard that and face palmed yourself after hearing his answer.

“Which academy was it?”

“Well, it's the Boy's Academy.” He said while he scratched the back of his neck.

You nodded and head outside after everything's done. After closing the door behind you, you let out a heavy sigh while heading towards the cafeteria to meet Chaeyeon.

When you arrive there already, you tagged along with the Chae's sister and the Japanese members.

“Sup, girl.” Chaeryoung greeted you.

You nodded and dramatically dropped your head on the table surface while sighing.

“What's wrong?” Nako asked with her cute sounded voice.

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