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“You think you're winning? I don't think so, Cho Hyunbin.”

“What do you mean by that?” He asked you after he stop laughing.

You laughed weakly towards him and looked towards him while you're on the ground, laying there with bruises.

“No one ever win any battle when it comes by fighting against me. Even you could not win against me, Cho Hyunbin. ” You said while laughing.

Then, police car's sirens can be heard and echoed in the building. He was shocked and your men helped you to get up. You smirked at him.

“You're losing the game, Cho Hyunbin. Game Over.” You said while smirking at him before you went to the other did seeing him get dragged away by the police officer. Then, they stopped in front of you.

“You bitch!! You planned it all?!!” He shouted and you just smirked.

“I did and thanks to your men, Zico and Sejin. They betrayed you for me.” You said while smirking at him.

They dragged him away from you while struggling holding that guy in their grips. Then, your men brought you towards the nurse after they carried Sejin, Yuqi and Zico away. The three of them were brought off by the ambulance for more information about them.

You were taken towards the nurse at the ambulance and she helps you with your bruises. She clean and bandaged your bruises up. You was sitting inside the ambulance while looking at the others, cleaning all those bloods and broken glass. Suddenly, your skin went pale with your breath went slow and heavy.

You was fighting against your eyelids which were about to closed and you swallowed your down in a weak conditions. Then, you weren't able to fight against your eyelids as they get heavier each time which make your body collapsed to the right side.

You was waiting yourself to hit the ground when suddenly you feel someone grips on your body. You opened your eyes and saw Jongho.

“Y/n! Are you okay?” He asked while panicking himself seeing your state.

“It hurt, Jongho.” You whispered towards him after he rested your head on the crooked of his neck.

“Hey, stay with me. Please, stay with me.” He begged you to stay while holding you in his arms, sitting beside you.

He hold one of your hand and kissed the back of it while trying his hard keeping you to stay awake. You didn't have much energy left out so you just let yourself fainted.


Jongho's POV

I was standing near the ambulance where Y/n was. I kept glancing at her while she received her wound treatment. When the nurse done, she left to help the others while Y/n just sit there.

She sit there with her legs hanging and her face seem concerned. After a few minutes later, I glance back at her and saw her face went pale like she just saw a ghost.

Then, she shake her head with her eyes was remaining to shut themselves. I got worried so I left the members side and went towards her. She kept shaking her head until she stops and was about to collapse.

I immediately ran towards her and due to my luck, I caught her body in my arms and started to take a sit beside her.

She opened her eyes in the half ways while I try my best to kept her body from falling.

“Y/n! Are you okay?” I said while panicking seeing her weak state.

I rested her head on the crooked of my neck and she started to breathed heavily.

“It hurt, Jongho.” She whispered to me with her warm breath hit my neck which make me shiver a bit.

“Hey, stay with me. Please, stay with me.” I begged her while holding her small weak yet cold body in my arms.

I take her pale and cold small hand in my huge palm while kissing the back of it. I kept trying my best to make her stay awake but nothing happened. Her body eventually almost falling off from my grips after her hand fall off.

I shake her in a gentle way but she didn't respond. I looked at the others and called Yunho name's out.

“Yunho! Called the nurse! Faster!” I shouted which caught all of their attentions.

Yunho nodded and ran off to called the nurse while the other ran over towards us.

“What happened to her?!” Wooyoung asked after all of them in front of us.

“She fainted but I don't know why cause she just told me that she feel hurt.” I explained and Yeosang hold her pale hand in his warm palm.

“She's so pale. I think she injured more than this bruises she got.” Yeosang said while scanning her body.

His eyes stopped on her tummy and he lift them carefully until it reveals her bleeding tummy. It was a big open wound.

Our eyes widened and we panicked but stopped as soon as we saw the nurses rushed over.

They saw the wound on her tummy and told me to put her on the bed. I nodded and carefully lift her light yet small body and placed them slowly on the bed. Then, the nurse put on an oxygen mask to help her breathe.

They quickly drove off towards the hospital after Yeosang, Hongjoong, Mingi and me myself get inside the ambulance.


After a few minutes of sitting inside the ambulance, we finally arrived and we help the nurses to escort Y/n's bed out of the ambulance. They started to ran while pushing her bed towards the operation room with Hongjoong hands on her forehead.

But then, we got stopped in front of the operation room as they escort her inside the room. We were getting scared when we remembered the wound she have.

They others just arrived and wait along with us while sitting in the chair. We wait and wait until I look at the clock that hanged on the wall.

It's been an hour we've wait for her. Some of them cried and some of them fell asleep but Hongjoong and I didn't get to sleep due to her.

After a few minutes of waiting, the doctor finally came out which make all of us stand in worried, tired and sleepy.

“How is she?” Hongjoong asked which make the doctor smiled.

“She's fine. She was a strong girl. While operating, she fight against her pain which help her heartbeat from going low. I gotta say that she impressed me and the others. Her body fight against everything and due to her strong self, she survived the operation. Don't worry, you guys can visit her now. She's in 172 room. Congrats.”

The doctor said while smiling which make us to sigh in relief. We thanked him as he slowly excused himself. We went towards Y/n room and open the door slowly.

After the door open wide enough for us, we went inside just to see her small self lying on the bed with those needle attached on the back of her palm along with the nasal cannula which are placed in her nostrils. The other wires that was attached on her were connected with the heart rate monitor (HRM).

We went closer and look at her face as Yunho hold her left hand and caressed her head. Seeing her in that state hurt our heart. Her face was covered by bruises and her knuckles both got bandaged because of her punching the glass back then in the building.

The other started to take their sleeps with Yunho on her left side of bed, laying his head on the bed facing her before completely fall asleep. Hongjoong was on her right side while I'm beside Hongjoong.

I sat there and closed my eyes while murmuring a words.

“Goodnight, Y/n.”

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