ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ⁶ » [ ᴇx-ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ? ]

478 17 9

"I want you back, Y/n."

"In your dream I'll get back with you cause in reality I will never want to waste my time with a guy like you, Felix." You sarcastically said to him.

[ Felix from StrayKids as Y/n ex- boyfriend ] sowwy~

He went closer and took your hand in his and hold it carefully.

"Please, I need you." He begged and you just snatched your hand out of his grips.

"You just realise that you need me but what about back then?! I waste my time and my love just for you but what did you gave me back?! You cheated on me with other girl as a pay back! As time flew by, you just realise that you fucking need me! You dump me and now you came to me, begging as you're desperately need something!" You said in a raised tone but didn't care.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. I knew I shouldn't cheat on you-" He said but was cut off by you.

"You knew you shouldn't cheat yet still why did you do it?! Look, I'm fucking enough with you! We're nothing since after I figure it all out and caught you cheating. So, just fuck off and leave this academy. I don't wanna see your fucking face." You said and left him there.

You groan and left the spot while heading somewhere else except there.


Felix's POV

"We'll see about that sooner, Y/n. We'll meet sooner, don't worry."

I said before leaving the academy while smirking.

End of POV


You went towards the shooting room you just figured a weeks ago and scan your ID card before entering.

You was walking but you feel so many people were following you but you didn't care. You enter the room and feel that those people getting closer.

"I miss this fucking smell." You mumbled while inhaling the smell of new guns and bullets.

"Welcome back, buddy." You said as you walked around, tracing your fingers on the guns.

Then, you grabbed Glock 17 and as fast as the flash you refilled the bullets and turn while point the gun towards the entrance.

"Come out, or else I'll shoot you guys."

After you said that, all of them showed themselves while stumbling over their friends. You put the gun down and titled your head to the side.

"What all of you want actually?" You asked them.

They went silent. It was Oneus, ATEEZ, NCT, WayV and The Boyz. You sighed and turned around towards the target in front of you.

"You may come in, only if you want." You said and they happily jogged inside.

You turned while leaning your body against the metal rails. They just awkwardly laughed and you just gave them a 'what's wrong with you guys?' face and they just exchanged glances with each other.

"We just wanna check you up." New innocently smiled.

"Why, you worried?" You asked and they blushed before nodding.

"You know you shouldn't but have you guys got here before?" You asked while raising an eyebrow towards them.

"No." They said in sync.


"Because Miss Irene didn't want us to ruined this room." Ravn answered again which make you nodded only.

You turned around and pointed your Glock 17 towards the target in front of you. You start shooting and refilled real fast while continuing until you got to Glock 22 and refilled them and continued to moved on until you got to Glock 34, UMP, FAMAS, SCAR-L, M4A1 and more.

Then, you finally stopped and looked towards them all. They were all jaws dropping and you snapped them out.

"Want to have a try?" You asked which make them all nodded real fast.

You help some of them who was the first line to have a try. You even demo them how to hold in a correct ways and more. Then, you help them to positioned themselves and yeah you teach them.

They all got excited after trying to shoot and hold a guns. You just limited them to hold the Glock gun sets because you're afraid they still not used to other one such as UMP, FAMAS, SCAR-L, M4A1 and more.

You were done teaching them and they were all lighten up after getting a chance to use the guns. Then, you guys dismissed from the room and went over the cafeteria. They just followed you along until you finally got an empty table to sit on.

"What?" You asked while poking the straw into your milkshake box and drank it up.

"Can we try again?" They asked and you just sighed.

"Next time." You said and they jump in excitement.

You just shake you're head and Yeji called you.

"Yo, I heard that monster send someone to watch over that academy." She said through the phone which make you to choke.

"Seriously?!" You asked while coughing.

"Yep and he's in front of your table." She said and you scan the second table in front of the table you're on.

"He is that Zico guy isn't he?" You asked and she hummed through the line.

You simply hung the phone up and head towards Zico. You attacked him which make him to fall on the floor with his back. You were now on top of him while holding his collar.

"Did he send you over?" You asked and he was still shocked.

"Who did-"

"I said did he send you over?!" You repeated which makes your voice raised.

"He did." He said after gulping.

"Tell me why."

"Because he want to take over this building by killing all of you." He said in a simple way.

"Be one of my man and you'll be safe." You said and he was kinda shocked.

"Really? Will I be safe, here with you." He asked and you nodded.

He agreed and you help him up. You scanned around and whisper to him.

"Be careful when you're alone. Act like you're still with them. We'll kill them, I promise."

He nodded and you tapped his shoulder after that, you went away with him along.

"You guys will also followed me along." You said as you signaled all the boys there who were still on your table.


"Just fucking follow me." You said which make them all nodded as Yuqi was already there too.

"We have to be prepared." You whispered to Yuqi and she nodded.

You tuned towards all of the boys and they stopped in their tracks.

"Just follow what I said."

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