ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ⁷ » [ ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛꜱ ]

401 16 0

“Just follow what I said.”

“What do you mean-” Leedo, Mingi and Younghoon started but you cut them off.

Death Threats.” You simply said and they nodded slowly.

You looked over Zico and he seem scared.

“You're Y/n? Chae Y/n?” He said slowly.

You nodded and he went closer while holding your right arm. He looked around especially outside the windows before speaking.

“Felix. He came here also and was sent by him. He came here by plan and that monster planned to make him beg you to get back. After that, they will kill you.”

He said while gulping after saying some of the sentences.

“They planned this all out?” You asked softly while leaning against the table behind you.

He nodded and inhaled a deep breaths before continuing.

“Felix wasn't as nice as he looked. He worked for that monster and was apart of the plan on killing you. He never love you when you guys date. It was a plan all along. They tried to kill you back then after you guys broke up but failed eventually.”

Your eyes darkened and Zico gulped seeing the dark side of yours and he slowly to avoid your eyes.

“What about Sejin?” You asked and he gulped.

“He was one of them too but he never think about killing or hurting you cause he know you're his childhood best friend. He reject the deal and still was sent here to kill you. He had no other choice but to pretend only.”

Your eyes get darkened even more but slightly show some disappointment which make Zico to tapped your back softly.

“He's at the second floor if you're wondering.” He said and you just sighed hearing it.

“And you. Why did you worked for them?” You asked which make him shiver by your deep voice.

“They will kill my brother, Taewoon if I didn't cooperate with them in this but I never think of killing or hurting you cause my brother-”

“He told you not to hurt or killed me. I know.” You simply continued his sentences which make his eyes widened.

“How?” He asked softly not wanting to make you angry.

“I've met him before I met you. Your and my mothers both never want either him or you or even me to hurt any of us ourselves. They need us to cooperate and fight against that monster.”

He nodded slowly and looked down as he just realise everything and try to think about the deal and his brother.

“Look, Zico.” You sighed and then lift his chin so he get to see your face.

“I promise that we'll kill him and I'll promise that I'll save your brother and as long as I keep you guys under my protection, I promise that I'll keep you guys safe even if it has to cost my life.” You said while staring at all of them with your right hand was cupping Zico right cheek.

They looked at you in shocked and worried as you say that. Zico took your hand off his cheek and caressed them softly.

“Let's go meet Sejin.” You said and they all nodded.

You guys made your way to the second floor and saw Sejin was there.

“Sejin.” You called out his name softly but still he heard it.

“Y/n~” He said while running over you and was about to attack you with his bear hug.

You immediately went backwards a bit which make his smile fade away real fast because it's the first time you ever rejecting his hug.

“Y/n, w-what's wrong?”

“Why didn't you tell me?” You said while looking at him.

“About wha-” He was about to finish his sentences but stopped as soon as he saw Zico.

“Oh, you know it already?” He asked while playing with his fingers but his eyes never leave yours.

“Why?” You asked him and he hesitated.

“I never want to hurt or kill you cause I know you like since we're a kid already. When I looked at you, I can't even do anything that may harm you cause...” He stopped at his sentences.

“Cause what?”

“It's because I love you!” He finally let it out which make you blink your eyes.

He walked towards you and throw his body while crying which make you almost lost your balance due to his body weight.

“I love you, okay!? That's why I never want to harm you. I hope that I was the one that date you back then instead of Felix! He used you! He fucking use you for his own good!”

He said while sobbing hard. You sighed and slowly patted his back. He place his head on the crook of your neck and you just patted him.

“Thank you, Sejin.” You softly whispered to him.

“For what?” He said while pulling away.

“Thank you for taking a good care of me all the time.” You said while holding his hands.

He smiled and you smiled back while he went back to hugged you. You hugged him back before pulling away.

After for a while talking about what happening, you lead them to the upper floors to talk privately.

“They planned to attacked like between next week or before the next week so just prepared before it's too late.” Yeji said through the phone.

You hummed in agreement and think a bit before planning the other planned.

“Yeji, bring my men all over. All of them and told them that I want them to help me with this. Make sure you bring all of them.”

“Sure but why?” She asked.

“I have something on my mind but I'm not telling you what it is. Just not yet.” You answered and she sighed in agreement.

With that, you hung the phone up. You looked towards all the boys and Yuqi who were looking worried.

“For you guys, just stay with each other. Even if anything bad happened, just stay with each other and don't find or help me.” You said which make all of them frown.


“Just follow what I said and it'll not be that hard if you listened to what I said. Promise me?” You said and they nodded.

You look over the phone screen and stared at the picture.

I'll promise that I'll take this revenge for all of you.”

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