ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ⁵ » [ ᴄᴏʟᴅ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ ]

535 20 21

“Hey, it's me Sejin. It's okay, now.”

You struggled harder in his grips which make him to pulled away and stare at you.

“Y/n, stop! You'll hurt yourself more just by hitting him harder!” He shouted which makes you to push him away.

“I rather hurt myself by killing someone instead of doing nothing!” You shouted back.

You ran outside of the building and went somewhere to calm your ass down.


Yuqi's POV

I sighed and looked towards my feet when someone tapped my shoulder.

“It's okay, Yuqi. I'm sorry for her behaviour.” Sejin said and I smiled.

“No, it's okay. She just need some times to be alone. I understand.”

He smiled as he helped me to get off from the floor and we're about to walked away when someone grab his arm.

“What's your relationship with her?” Yeosang asked as he was a bit furious.

“I'm her close friend and why would you care about us cause I know you guys shouldn't be?” He spat back which make Hongjoong to talked this time.

“Because we care-”

“You care? I thought you didn't after you make her feel ashamed in front of people and insulting her. Is that you how you show that you care about her? Then, you sucks cause you know what? It's hurt seeing her to hurt and act strong when she's not at all. You made her suffered again for the second time but harder.”

“We-” Yunho said but was cut off by him

“Did you know that her brother was killed on her birthday after giving her his last present? He was killed right in front of her and was on her special day, she saw her brother's body lay down in a pool of blood. She suffered two years ago because of that and now you suffered her more after her little brother passed away? Wow! What kind of human are you guys?!” He said with his raised voice.

“I expect you to be nice but I was wrong cause you make her suffered again.” He said before leaving with me.

All those boys include me was speechless hearing his statements. I was feeling guilty over Y/n. She suffered a lot already. I sighed and kept silent all the times, not bothering to talked.

End of POV


You was outside the basketball court, sitting there while staring down at your fingers.

“Y/n.” Someone called you.

You turned your body and saw two police officers were there.


“Here, I think you might wanna keep them.” He said softly.

You got off from the floor and thanked them before they left. After they left, you turn the phone on and there was a picture of you guys together.

It was set as a lock screen and main wallpaper of the phone. Your tears dropped before you enter back the building, heading towards the 2nd floor.

You walk along the empty hallways and head towards the end of the hallways just to find a balcony there. You took a sit there and rest against the chair. The sky was dark and finally it was raining hard.

You look outside the glass and rest your head against the glass where there's a lot of rain drops. Then, someone came and took your hands.

You looked towards the person and saw Yuta with a bandages. He clean your bruises and bandages your knuckles and arm after he done. Then, he took out some transparent plasters and applied them on your forehead, nose bridge and your cheek bone.

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