ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ² » [ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ᴅᴀʏ ]

842 32 45

You finally woke up from your deep sleep due to a couple of birds chirping outside the windows along with the sun light which is hitting your eyeballs.

You sat up and stretches your body before taking a cold shower. You tidy your blanket and your pillows up before right away heading towards the bathroom.


You're finally done so you open your closet and grab the uniform out. You put on your undergarments along with safety short and right after that, you slid the long sleeves white shirt on. Right after that, you put on the skirt while tugging the white shirt in.

After that, you went in front of the mirror on your closet's door to tied up your hair into high ponytail and after that you tied up the blue ribbon on the black hair tie you have.

After you're done, you went to your bed and pick the blue jacket of the uniform and wore it on. Then, you sat on the edge of the bed after pulling out the black shoes out.

You put on your socks along with the shoes while tying the shoe laces up. Then, you got off from the bed while walking towards the table beside your bed. You pick the ID pass and wore them on.

With that, you took your last look in the mirror while brushing the dust off from the uniform.

“Ready?” A voice speak up from behind you.

“Definitely, yes. Let's go." You answered.

Yuqi nodded her head while putting on the ID pass on her. Then, both of you went out from the room and locked it up before heading downstairs.

Yuqi put the keys under the carpet in front of the door and finally you guys went downstairs right away. You guys finally arrive at the main hall and started to went towards your lockers which is the only two locker painted in different colours from the other lockers.

Both of you open your lockers and Yuqi grabbed her note book while you just take a look in before closing it up.

“It's still empty here.” You said and Yuqi hummed in response.

“Yea but kinda great cause if this hallways already filled up, we're kinda doomed like hella we're gonna be chased up by boys.”

You just chuckled towards Yuqi statement but she's right. If the hallways already filled up by the boys, you guys will get chased around for sure.

You guys both were talking a bit in front of the locker when someone yelled.

“There they are!” A guy shouted just enough to make you guys go deaf.

Both of you turn around and saw all the boys were there while panting hard like they're running from something.

“Speak of the devil, there they are~” You whisper at her and Yuqi face palmed herself.

You guys awkwardly bowed towards them before they started to ran off to you guys like a hungry zombies. You guys started to lean back on the locker with all of them surrounding you guys.

“Oh my goddamn like I never knew they would be hella pretty!” One of them stated.

“Are you guys a living doll cause both of you really do look like one?!” The other stated.

“Are you guys taken?!” The other guy asked which just make all people stared at him and then back to you guys in silent.

“I'm fucking single.” You said after Yuqi stated herself taken.

“Like for God love please, date me!!” They shouted in sync.

Both of you face palmed yourself and finally get them silent.

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