ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ¹¹ » [ ᴘᴀꜱꜱᴇᴅ ᴀᴡᴀʏ? ]

272 15 2

You was finally awake. You slowly open your eyes and felt hurt as you finally made both of your eyes wide opened. You looked around and saw no one except a nurse beside you.

“Oh, you're finally awake! How are you feeling?” She asked politely.

“I'm good but still my back hurt.” You said in husky voice since your throat was sore.

“Okay, here.” She said as she hand you a cup of water.

You thanked her and you drink the water up. Right after that, you clear your throat and your voice became less husky.

The nurse then help you to take off the nasal cannula from your nostrils and you suddenly remembered about Yuqi, Sejin and Zico.

“Umm, miss. Do you happen to know about Lee Sejin?” You asked her and she nodded.

“He was still resting and a girl named Song Yuqi, just passed away an hours ago-”

Your eyes widened and asked her which room are they and she say it's 170 room. You immediately jumped off from the bed and ran out towards the room, ignoring the nurse.

You ran until you arrived in front of the room. You went to the left and its Yuqi. After examined her face, you went to the right and it's Sejin.

You sit beside his bed and hold his hand. He opened his eyes and meet yours. He smiled and leaned by his back.

“I'm sorry.” You said while sobbing.

He smiled and squeezed your hand softly. He then brought your hand closer towards his lips and kissed the back of your hand.

“It's okay. As long as you're fine, I'm fine too.” He said after that.

You guys talked a bit and then, he coughed and close his eyes. He looked towards the wall clock before shifting his gaze back towards you.

“I only have 59 seconds so listened up, okay?” He said and you nodded as quick as the flash.

“Look, Y/n. I never get a chance to say this before so, I wanna let you know that... I love you.” He said while giving you a sweet smile.

You started to tearing up and he kissed your hand again before continuing.

“I've always wanted to tell you this but I'm afraid I might lose you someday or you losing me. I didn't want both of us get hurt so I keep them. I love you, Y/n with all of my heart. I love each moments we kept from the childhood and till now. Remember that, I'll always love you no matter what. Let's meet again in another lifetime and I want you to be mine in that other lifetime, okay?”

You nodded as tears started to escaped your eyes. You hugged him and he kissed your forehead before pulling away. After you guys broke the hug, he grab the back of your neck and kissed you.

Your eyes widened as he did that and you can feel his hot tears dropped on your skins. You just closed your eyes and kissed him back before pulling away.

He caressed your cheek and started to sobbed while smiling.

“I love you, my star.” He said before he slowly closed his eyes and his hand dropped from your cheek.

You lowered your head while sobbing harder and muttered a words enough for you to hear.

“I love you too, Sejin.” You said before an arm pulled you away and brought you outside of the room as the nurses and doctor went in.

You sobbed harder which make the person hugged you as he patted your back softly.

“It's okay. I'm here for you.” He said which make you recognized the voice.

“I'm sorry, Hongjoong.” You whispered but he shushed you and bring you back towards your room.

He sat you on the bed and sit in front of you. He caressed your cheek and wipe your tears using his thumbs.

“Don't cry. You looked ugly if you cry.” He joked and you just tried your hard to smile but ended up crying more.

“Hyung, you really bad at comforting someone.” Yunho's voice interrupted you.

Yunho told Hongjoong to buy some food while he replaced his spot.

“Y/n, look at me.” He said and you looked towards him and saw his smiling face.

You can't help but to smile and he ended up laughing. He patted your head while pulling you which make you to sit on his laps.

“I was about to tell you to smiled but you just already did.” He said which make you hide your face on his chest while hugging his neck.

He just giggled and he sing a song which actually drove you off to your dreamland. Before completely asleep, you heard him muttered a words.

“Sleep tight, my small Y/n.” He said and kissed your forehead.

You just snuggle onto his chest and fell asleep eventually.

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