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378 17 5

After a few months later, you was almost fully recovered and was discharged from the hospital a month ago.

You was with all the boys who were standing behind you. You guys were returning to the Boy's Academy again to rebuild everything and forget the past.

“Y/N!” Someone called you out.

You turned and saw Chaeyeon, Chaeryoung, Sakura, Nako and Hitomi was there smiling and waving at you.

You gasped and immediately ran up over them while crushing your body towards all of them.

“I thought I lose you guys!” You said while hugging them.

“Of course no!” They said in sync after pulling away from the group hugs.

“Woah, you've grown up to be more beautiful after you left the academy Y/n!” Chaeryoung said while pinching you cheeks which make you laughed.

“Ma baby have grown up so well!” Chaeyeon said while hugging you more tight.

“Too tight!” You said which make her to let go.

“Oops, sorry.” She said while laughing.

You guys laughed and went inside with the girls help you out with your stuffs. Then, you guys went to the cafeteria and were greeted by all the boys there.

You guys nodded and buy some boxes of water before went to a huge table to have talk.

“How was Mr Kim?” You asked and they put their boxes down.

“He break his neck after Cho Hyunbin beat him up.” Nako said.

“He did?!” You said while gasping and they nodded.

“Then, what about the academy later?”

“Mr Suho decided to take over and turned it all out as a normal female school.” Hitomi added.

You nodded and sighed while looking towards them but they just smile which make you to smile back.

“What about you guys? What will you guys do?” You asked and they seem gloomy.

“All of us will be out of town and go back to our home. Same goes to Sakura, Nako and Hitomi.” Chaeyeon said.


“We decided to started our journey into the different types. What about you?” Chaeryoung said.

“I'm not leaving and instead I'll be staying here because I've used to this surrounding.” You answered back in a gloomy way.

“We thought you'll be leaving here and moved out of the town.” Hitomi said but you shake your head as a no.

You guys keep talking for a while and then, they decide to take their leave since they got to go and prepared for the flight.

You bid them goodbyes and sighed. Then, you turned and saw all of them were there. You put your smile back and they went towards you.

“You chose to stay?” Seonghwa asked and you nodded.

“Why?” Oneus asked.

“I feel comfortable here.” You said and they smiled.

You guys went back inside when someone suddenly piggyback ride you. You looked towards the person and saw Zico.

“Zico! What are you doing?!” You said while laughing.

He ignored you and continued to piggyback ride you while running. You guys spent all of the months playing with each other.

You also get close to ATEEZ after what have happened and you're happy that they forget the past and decided to be friend with you.

You guys were outside the academy, sitting in the field while talking with all ATEEZ members.


“Yes, Yunho?” You said while turning your head to him.

“You know, we like you. No, we love you!” Mingi said which make all of them blushed.

You laughed and giggles seeing their reactions after confessing to you.

“And?” You asked and they looked at you.

“I wondered who will you chose.” San said.

You smiled and shifted your head towards the sky and leaning against the wall.

“I choose.... [ ]”









[ you can choose who you want to be and yeah that's the last chapter I guess since they were finally rebuild everything. Sorry for the bad ending lol. I have no more idea on the endings so yeah, bye!~ ] :\ ^\\3\\^

The End~

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