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Beep beep beep beep beep.

I hate Monday mornings. They mean I have yo go to school. I slammed my alarm clock and accidentally broke it. Great now I have to buy another one.

"Percy! Get up you'll be late for school." I heard my mom yell.

"Yeah. Cant wait." I replied like a true teenager in the morning half alert and groggy. I begrudgingly got up and took a warm shower. I wore my favorite outfit.

I went downstairs to the kitchen where my mom had blue pancakes waiting for me.

"Thanks mom."

"Percy, I'm going out for a business trip this weekend and I expect you to behave while I'm gone. You don't want Gabe getting angry at you now do you?" My mom looked at me with a stern look. I just sighed and nodded.

I loved my mom with all my heart. Sally Jackson. She did everything for to make sure I was okay ever since I was born. I never knew who my dad was. Mom never liked talking about it. When I was younger I would ask questions about him and she would get this look on her face that looked hurt, betrayed almost so I just dropped it.

When I turned four mom married this guy who I refuse to relate to using a title of any sort. I called him Smelly Gabe. I know it seems rude but seriously the guy smelled like mouldy pizza wrapped in gym socks. He was nice for the first thirty seconds when I met him before he turned to a complete jerk. We had no money at the time so we didn't really have an option.

Later, as I got older my mom started writing books which became a hit and she became a bestselling author by the time I was fourteen. She still refused to get rid of Gabe no matter how much I pleaded, begged and pulled out my one of a kind puppy dog eyes. She just wouldn't cave. I never knew why though.

"-ter next week." I looked up at mom in confusion. She sighed knowing I didn't listen to anything she just said and hugged me goodbye.

I finished my breakfast and left before that asshole could wake up. I plugged in my mp3 player and earphones and listened to demons by imagine dragons. The walk to school came to an end a lot sooner than I would've liked.

"Percy! Over here man!" I turned around to see my best friend Grover coming my way really fast... well as fast as you can move on crutches. He has muscle problem on his legs so he couldn't walk properly. He had curly hair and a weird laugh that sounds like a goat but don't tell him I said that. We've been friends since the sixth grade. He was kinda like a brother to me, my only friend really.

"Hey you psyched for the first day of school as a sophomore. Were no longer freshmans dude!"

"Yeah cause it makes sense for somebody to be happy their in school. Come on. Onwards to hell."

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