Chapter 18

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Poseidon POV

I didn't turn around.  For some reason my whole body was refusing to cooperate with me.

I wouldn't turn around.  What if I did and it just happened to be my imagination. My mind could just be playing some cruel joke on me. I reached for the doorknob and went to turn it. 

"Poseidon? Please, our son is missing. "

I snapped out of whatever daze I was in and turned around to see the woman I've been looking for the past 16 years. She hadnt changed a bit. She still had the same curly brown hair; same hazel eyes;  she even still smelled like candy. She was the same Sally I fell in love with in junior year. The same Sally who I was still insane about.  The mother of my Percy. 

"Our son?  You mean the same son that you kept hidden from me for sixteen years when you left me?" my voice sounded foreign to me. I felt like I wasn't even the one talking. 

"Poseidon I-"

"You what?! What explanation could you possibly give for this? My son, Sally. I missed out on sixteen years of his life. And if it wasn't for him getting attacked that night I might not even know who he is right now." I knew I was being harsh but I was so frustrated and exhausted from all the shit happening. I know I shouldn't be taking it out on her but at this point I couldn't care less. 

"You know he told me about everything. He told me about smelly Gabe.  How he's scared to go to sleep at night and how when he does all he sees are the nightmares. Do you have any idea how many times he's woken up screaming in the middle of the night? How many times I've had to calm him down from a panic attack?  How it hurts me when he says he hates his father? I love that boy more than anything in this world Sally and I would do anything and everything for him." Tears were streaming down her face by now. 

"I'm sorry, " she said I so low I almost didn't hear it. "When I had him I didn't know how to tell you I was pregnant. You had so many dreams back then of starting your own shipping business and so much more that I couldn't tell you. I felt like I would destroy your hope for a bright future.  I didn't know if you would accept him or not so I decided to run. " 

"I would have never done that Sally. You know that." 

"I know.  I was scared and stupid and I'm everything happened so fast I guess I just freaked out."

"What about gabe?" I moved closer to where she was standing by the wall. 

"I was financially unstable. I needed money quick to support both of us. It was the best option at the time.  He was nice at first. Percy got along well with him.  When I got my first job signing as an editor I became a bit busy but I didn't think it would be a problem since there was someone to watch percy.  I had no idea Poseidon I swear.  If I did I would've -" her voice cracked and he shoulders trembled.  I pulled her in a hug to offer some comfort.  

"What about his businesses?"

"I only knew about the drugs. When he found out that I knew he threatned to kill me and percy. He made sure that I didn't say anything and even had people watch me. I kept quiet because of percy.  I didn't find out about the human trafficking until just recently but it was too late. "

"Why don't we find our son first. We'll talk about this later, yeah?" I looked down at he glistening eyes and smiled.  She smiled back and opened her mouth to say something before there was a knock on the door and the Hades popped in.

"I hate to interrupt the moment but we found something." he said then motioned for us to follow him.

"Lets go find our son," Sally said to me.

In the room where hades led us there was a large computer screen table and a bunch of officers were waiting around it.

"Poseidon, Sally," one of the detectives nodded at us. I guessed he was the one in charge.

"We've been investigating an underground trafficking ring that we believe has been operating for as long as about 15 years in New York." He said getting straight to the point.

"We believe its run by an organised crime group, the problem is we don't know which one. Our attempts at capturing the culprits have so far been futile so we sent an inside man to see if we would have better luck." He continued with a dejected voice.

"Unfortunately he was discovered and executed about two weeks ago so we lost the only connection that we had to that world. But fortunately he did manage to slip in some information that will help before he passed." He inserted a flash on the side of the table and the computer showed a kind of map with a bunch of stuff that I really didn't understand. He pointed to different areas showing where they suspected of being hideouts and operating markets for the trade. There were also so many names of confirmed buyers and sellers participating in the trafficking. I wasn't shocked to see the names of some former associated of mine on the list.

Corruption ran deep in the system and it would require an actual miracle for it to be completely uprooted. But at least we could help out the poor children who had been captured this time.

And get my family back while I'm at it.

I listened intently as the officers set up the plan to ambush an auction that would be taking place on a boat just about 70 miles off shore.

As I listened I couldn't help but to plan what I would do that Gabe once I got my hands on him.

Hang on my Percy. We' re coming to save you.

I would apologise for being gone for so long but it probably wouldn't  mean anything to you guys. Nevertheless I'm sorry.

The past year has been the hardest of my entire life and things only started improving recently.

Also I've realised that the plot of thus story doesn't make much sense but i still wanted to finish it before i change a few things about it.

I'm not sure when the next update will be, as I said I'm not doi g great right now but I wont keep you waiting for long.

Apologies again.

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