Chapter 5

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Poseidon's room...

I was lying in a really soft comfortable bed with warm thick blankets wrapped around me. Was that silk? I wonder when we got silk sheets. I was in the middle of enjoying the comfyness when I realised that my bed was not this comfortable and that we didn't have silk sheets.

I shot up like a bullet immediately reverting it when I felt a surge of pain in my ribs. My head also hurt like shit. I spotted some pain killers and water and instantly swallowed it and my pain became more bearable instantly. I closed my eyes trying to remember what the fuck happened last night? when it all came rushing back to me.

Oh gods. I never made it home last night. Where was I? Did I seriously get kidnapped? Great. You've really done it now Jackson. No. Wait... There was a police officer who looked oddly familiar. Er... What was his name again? Peter?... Patrick?... Penny?... Pontus?... Poseidon? Yeah that's it! Poseidon!

OK. Now that I got that figured out where am I? I looked around the room I was in and it was then that I realised this room was freakin' HUGE. I was sitting in the middle of a circular king sized bed with white sheets and comforter. Behind the headboard was what I guess were tiny tablets in the wall that I guess controlled a bunch of stuff in the room. On my right were transparent glass doors that led to a walk in closet and next to it was a fireplace.

There were another set of doors next to the fireplace which I didn't know led where. The bathroom maybe? In front of me there was a set of pillars that led to huge doors which I guessed led me out of the room. That was my destination as I got up despite my protesting ribs and made my way outside the room.

I was awestruck by this house the more I wandered around in it. Who the hell needs a house this freaking massive. More importantly, how do they not get lost. I made my way inside an elevator. An freaking elevator. Who needs an elevator inside a house! Your kidnappers that's who. I reached the floor I was intending to go to and the smell of sausages and pancakes flooded my nose. I followed the smell and it led me to a humongous kitchen where someone was busy cooking the pancakes. It was a that moment my idiotic stomach that has been deprived of food decided to make itself known.

The man turned around and beamed at me. I immediately recognised him as officer Poseidon.

"About time you were awake sleeping beauty. I figured you'd be hungry so I made breakfast." He said while setting the plated full of delicacies in front of me.

"Uuuh..." Was my brilliant answer. I mean what do you say to a guy who supposedly kidnapped you and is offering you breakfast. Thankfully I was saved from answering when my phone buzzed in my pocket indicating a message.

I pulled it out to check and almost slapped myself. Fuck. I completely forgot about mom. She must be worried sick.

I made a move to call her when I saw a text from Grover.

'Dude. Where r u. Ur mom called and asked if u were here n I covered 4 u. U better not have gotten urself kidnapped. Call me asap'

I breathed a sigh of relief and sent him a which text thanking him for covering for covering for me. Honestly, I had no idea how I was going to explain this to my mom when I got home. If at all I would get home. What if this guy was a psycho who would demand ransom while keeping me hostage. He seemed pretty nice the other say but what if it was all an act. Was this revenge for making him damage his car. But I apologized. What more could he possibly want. Was he going to sell me to compensate for the money he lost. But he looks so rich. Why would he want to sell me. I was going to be one of those weird slaves who looked like they hadn't seen a day in the s-

"Percy? Are you okay? You haven't touched your food." I didn't even notice that he had set the table and sat across from me and I just sat there staring like an idiot.

"Look sir. I don't know what you want from me but I already told you that I'd pay for the damage done to your car. I'm not going to let you keep me hostage and demand ransom from my par- my mom."

He looked at me with an incredulous look and burst out laughing. Now I was seriously worried about the guys mental health. Like what the hell? He finally calmed down enough to look up at me while wiping rears from the corners of his eyes.

"Look son, I'm not demanding ransom from anyone nor am I going to make you pay for the car. When I told you it was no big deal I meant it. I found you passed out in an alley not to mention that it was a pretty rough neighbourhood. I know for a fact that you don't live there so what were you doing there at that time of night?"

"Well I was on my way hom- wait how do you know for a fact that I don't live there?" Was this dude stalking me or something.

"That's not important Perseus-"

"Its Percy. How did you know my full name. I don't remember telling you." Now he was really starting to creep me out.

"I told you that it wasn't important. Now will you tell me where you got all those scars on you back from?" What! When did he see those. No one knows about those. Not even mom. Did he take off my shirt? Of course he did. But what else did he do to me. I was unconscious the entire night. Oh no! Did he- oh gods! This cant be happening. Not again. He did that. But I don't feel any pain there. When Gabe did it I always felt pain. I could barely move. I was on the verge of a panic attack. I could feel it.

My breathing became short and laboured. It was getting harder and harder to draw air into my lungs. I felt like someone was calling my name but it sounded so far away. All I could think of was the pain and how worthless I felt after. I didn't even notice the river of tears on my face. This was all too much. Black dots started to dance in my vision as I struggled to not pass out but it seems luck wasn't on my side. And for the second time in less than twenty four I saw a concerned face before my world went black.

Hey... So a little heads up. I might be going back to school in June. But the government hasn't confirmed it yet. Ill let you know if I do. Its a boarding school meaning I wont be allowed to bring my phone with me so it might be a while until the next update.

Anyway... Here's the next chapter tell me what you think. Wash your hands and stay safe.

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