Chapter 6

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Poseidon's den...

I woke up in the same room again but I didn't have a headache this time. I tried to move my left arm but it was heavy for some reason. I looked down at officer Poseidon's sleeping form and remembered the events that had led to this situation. I scrambled off the bed as fast as I could and made my way to a corner cuddling myself up to a ball.

This caused him to wake up and look at me in confusion before a look of understanding dawned on his face. He slowly started to make his way up to me when the tears started falling again. I held up my hands signalling him to not come any closer and was satisfied when he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Percy... hey... I'm not gonna hurt you. I just want to help I promise." He said in a soothing voice but not moving from his spot which I was thankful for. I really don't think I could handle any human contact of any kind that wouldn't be able to send me into a panic attack. I wiped my years and gathered up enough courage to look him in the eyes.

"I-I j-just wanna go h-h-home please." I stuttered my courage deflating ad I saw the look of intense worry in his eyes. I thought I saw disappointment flash in his features but it was gone as quickly as it came so I must've been imagining it.

"Okay. I'll make sure you get home but please have something to eat first. Its nearly three in the afternoon and you haven't eaten anything." I wanted to leave as quick as possible so I just nodded. He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes and walked towards me and held a hand to help me up. I was skeptical at first but then I figured that if he wanted to hurt me he would have already done it so I tentatively reached out my hand to him and he helped me stand and led me to a room not far from his.

I sat down on a chair not touching anything since everything in this place looked like it cost more than my whole years tuition. With my luck I would probably break something and be in debt to him for the rest of my miserable life. He offered me a plate that contained sausage links, scrambled eggs, bacon, two small waffles and toast with butter and grape jelly. Weird. I never ate toast like that. Gabe said I had to eat my toast dry since I was just getting fat everyday. But I didn't want to seem rude.

Poseidon has been nothing but nice to me ever since I've met him and  all I've managed to do was cause trouble like I always do. I mumbled a thank you an dug into the food like an animal. I didn't realise how hungry I was until now and food was like heaven on earth. I was almost halfway through my plate when Poseidon chuckled beside me. "Whoa! Slow down. Your gonna choke!" My face burned with embarrassment and he smiled at me before ruffling my hair and getting up. Normally the feeling of another mans hands on me would make me panic but his filled me with a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

"Where are you going?" The words poured out of my mouth before I could stop them. He stopped mid stride and looked back at me. "I'm going to run you a bath. Once your done just go up these stairs to the room across from it and freshen up then I'll take you home." He said with a half hearted smile then proceeded to walk our the room. I eagerly finished my food and sat there for a while. It was a Saturday and I really didn't have anywhere I needed to be but I didn't want to go home. Gabe usually brought his friends out to play on Saturday nights when he knew mom wouldn't be home or she would be arriving late. I took a few deep breaths trying to calm my racing heart at the thought of what those people would do to me once they had gave Gabe a hefty amount of money and he left the house. I stopped my train of thought there and made my way up the stairs to the room Poseidon told me to go to.

My face instantly lit up at the sight of numerous bubbles in the gigantic tub. I squealed and rushed go he edge of the tub and dipped my hand in feeling the warm water. I didn't even notice that Poseidon was still in the room until he spoke. "Finish up then come down to the den. Enjoy your bath little guppy."

After he left I got into the bath and played in the water until it stared to get cold. I didn't mind but Poseidon was waiting and I was probably in here for a very long time. I rinsed myself and wrapped an incredibly soft bathrobe around myself. I spotted a pair of black sweatpants and a blue shirt and threw them on before making my way back into the den. Poseidon's back was to me and he was yelling at someone on the phone. I got a bit closer so I was able to hear the person on the other end as well.

"I don't give a fuck if he's dangerous. I want every bit of information you can get on that man as soon as possible."

"Sir. Really. Were trying. But getting involved with this gangs is extremely risky to your company and public status."

"I fucking pay you to so your job. Not lecture me on what I should and shouldn't do. Now don't you dare call me unless you have news or your fired." He said and hang up the phone.

Now that I see it Poseidon is quite scary when he's angry. Looking at him now its almost impossible to imagine the guy smiling. I'd hate to get on his bad side. I kinda felt bad for the guy on the other side of the phone. I cleared my through to make my presence known. He turned around startled and mumbled something about not knowing I was there, like I heard something I wasn't suppose to. Weird

"You ready to go?"

"Yeah. I leave now." I made a move to leave the room but he stopped me.

"Wait aren't you gonna let me take you?" Is this guy for real

"Aren't you a police officer?"

"Yeah I am. Cool right?"

"Did you hit your head when getting up this morning."

"No why?"

"Because its weird to think I would let a police officer give me a ride home."

"Percy. I need to explain where you've been to your parents." What!? No! And that's exactly what I said.

"What?! No!"

"What do you mean no?"

"I'm not letting you anywhere near my house."

"Why not?"

"None of your business." I was starting to get mad.

"You've been in my house for almost twenty four hours and I took care of you when you fainted not once but twice. Not to mention that you have odd scars littering your back some of which are still fresh. You managed to have a panic attack not once but twice in one day not even thirty minutes after you woke up in both times. If it wasn't my business before it surely is now!" I flinched when he raised his voice.

He made his way towards me and I wasn't gonna wait to see what he would do. I ran up the stairs and rent to the right praying it was the way out. I practically cried in relief when I saw the doors leading out of this place. All the while Poseidon was chasing after me. I ignored his yells telling me to come back and squeezed myself through the gigantic iron bars of the gates for the first time thanking whoever was up there for my small size. I climbed the back of the cab and told the driver to step on it ignoring his weird look.

I could only hope Gabe wasn't home right now but with my luck that would never happen.


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