Chapter 11

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Percy POV

The hospital...

"This is Bessie. We found her when we were diving. She was injured on her tail. Were only nursing her until she can get back to the ocean. She's only a calf."

"You named her Bessie? What kind of name is that?"

"Hey! Its an awesome name and if you can't see that then maybe your not as cool as I thought you were." He was so childish sometimes. I rolled my eyes at him and turned my attention back to the dolphin. She was about five feet long and had something which I think was a cast on her tail. Poseidon knelt at the Edge of the mini pool and put his hand in the water. Bessie almost immediately swam to his hand and nuzzled the palm.

I knelt next to him and he told me to pet her. I hesitantly reached out my hand and brushed it on her nose softly. Poseidon burst into laughter and I jerked back from the dolphin glaring at him.

"She's not gonna bite you Percy. She's a dolphin not a shark." I rolled my eyes at him and mumbled something about not being scared under my breath. He stood up abruptly and walked in the direction of the door.

"Where you going?"

"Come on. Let's get you a wetsuit."

"A wetsuit?" I said jogging to catch up with him.

"Yeah. I'm gonna teach you a few tricks. And she has to be fed." He made me try on a bunch of suits but they were either too big or too small. Finally we decided on a dark brown one which was a little big but it would have to do. We got into the mini pool with Bessie and she swam to Poseidon's side.

He told me to hold on to his dorsal fin and once I did he did a wavey motion with his hand and Bessie shot into the water with me clinging onto him. She was moving really fast for one with a broken tail and I couldn't stop laughing. A few minutes she came to stop and I let go of her. She muzzled my stomach and I gently petted her head before she swam to Poseidon.

He checked her tail and gave her a quick check up before giving her milk and we stayed in the water for a little while longer playing with her until it was lunch and we had to go because I was so desperately hungry. After we had changed back to our normal clothes a short blonde guy came over to where I was putting on my shoes with Poseidon following him.

"Percy, this is my tailor. He's here to take your measurements."

"Measurements for what?"

"A wetsuit." He said like it was no big deal as the guy took my measurements while Poseidon made a call on his phone. I stared at him incredulously. Was he for real? How was I gonna pay for this?

"What's your favorite colour kid?" The tailor guy asked me. I told him blue and looked at Poseidon who was busy yelling at someone over the phone.

Over the last couple of weeks I came to know that he had quite the temper and could lash out when you least expected. He was calm and cool most of the time but when provoked he could do some serious damage. He was like the ocean. Calm and still most of the time but unpredictable and dangerous. Although he had never lashed out at me I was still scared that if I ever messed up really badly that temper would be taken out on me. It was a stupid thought since he had done so much for me already but you can't really blame me for having trust issues. I was brought out of my thoughts by the tailor announcing that he was done said that it should be ready in a few weeks. I glared at Poseidon while he looked at me with a fake innocent smile.

"What's wrong Percy?"

"What's wrong? How in the world an I supposed to pay for that when I barely have enough money for my school lunch?"

"You never told me you didn't have lunch money?" His face turns into one that made me feel as if I was being scolded.

"That's not the point. You know I don't like you wasting money on me."

"And you know that I have more than enough money to spend on you. It feels nice to have someone who I can actually buy stuff and spoil you know. Your like the son that I never had. Seriously Percy its nothing." He said in a firm voice. It was no use arguing with him since he always won these kind of arguments so I just sighed and he smiled triumphantly.

We drove to the nearest McDonald's and got and scarfed down our lunches like hungry wolves. You would think that being a multimillionaire and owning two companies he would have some semblance of manners but no. He was no better than me when it came to food. We got ice cream after that (blue of course) and all too soon I had to go back home.

I was happy for most of the drive as we made jokes and laughed the whole way there. I was even happy when he we said our goodbyes and I consoled myself saying that maybe he would be free before next weekend and maybe we would get to see each other in the middle of the week. I was happy as I walked up to my apartment not noticing that his beat up car was sitting in the garage and the his shoes were at the mat beside the door. I was happy as I walked up the stairs to my room not finding it weird that my door was open and the handle broken. But all that happiness went down the drain when I saw the man who has been the star of my nightmares sitting on my bed smoking a cigar.

"Did you miss me brain boy?"

I know..I know. Its been eternity since I last updated but in my defence I was sick and didn't even have the strength to eat. But I'm all better now and the next update will be on my birthday which I will not reveal the date of. I'm going to clarify that this will not be a percabeth story so if you were here for that then you will be very disappointed. As it says in my profile I write Percy and Poseidon bonding stories and I'm not really a percabeth fan. I'm more into kronercy. Speaking of which you should check out Aftermath by _-Tethys-_. Although this won't be a kronercy.

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