7 - gus's birthday

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947 likesj0rdn happy birthday peepers 🐣Load more commentsusername40 y'all are friends?tracyminajj @lilpeep happy bday!lilpeep thank you❤️lilpeep @tracyminajj thank you mannn!

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j0rdn happy birthday peepers 🐣
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username40 y'all are friends?
tracyminajj @lilpeep happy bday!
lilpeep thank you❤️
lilpeep @tracyminajj thank you mannn!

I text Gus once I park outside his house, and he quickly responds saying to come in. I walk up to the front door, fixing my outfit and taking in a deep breath before turning the handle. As soon as I walk in, clouds of smoke swirl around me and block my field of vision. I push my way further through the haziness, not surprised at the abundance of marijuana. There's music playing, something I haven't heard before, and I hear laughing and talking in a room nearby. I feel nervous walking into a place I have never been before, but I know that feeling will disappear as soon as I see Gus. As I turn a corner, I'm met with a group of guys and girls sitting around on a couch, smoking and talking over the music. I feel all eyes on me as I stand there, looking around for Gus. "Ay, who invited you?" One of the guys asks me suddenly, sounding upset at me being there. I freeze in my tracks, stuttering and trying to respond, but his aggressive tone catches me off guard. Just then, as if coming to my rescue, Gus walls into the room carrying bags of chips and a handle of vodka. He looks at his group of friends and follows their eyes, which are all focused on me. He sees me standing there, and his smile grows as he calls to me.

"J! Come sit down," he says as he sinks into the couch, patting the spot next to him. I shyly walk over to him, avoiding eye contact with everyone. "Oh, guys this is my friend Jordan. The first person I met here. She's great," he says, addressing the group of people. Everyone mutters hellos and I'm introduced to his roommates and friends, and a few of the girls look at me and then back at each other, giggling. I brush that off, feeling slightly more comfortable as Gus drapes his arm over my shoulders, pulling me close towards him to where my head rests on his shoulder. There's a joint being passed around, and once it gets to Gus he takes a long drag, breathing in as much smoke as he can before exhaling towards the ceiling. Once he's done, he turns and faces me, joint in hand, offering it to me. I'm hesitant at first, worrying about getting high in this environment with people I don't know. But then I look at Gus's face, his reassuring smile and kind eyes, and I feel safe again. I take the joint from him, and bring it up to my lips. It's been a while since I've done this, so my first hit is quick and shallow. I pass it to the person sitting on the floor near me, and Gus is smiling at me like a proud parent. I find it cute, and before I can stop myself I'm pinching his cheeks. Instead of shoving my hand away and being weirded out, he chuckles and pushes his face into my hand. I let my hand rest there, watching as his eyes close and he uses my hand to hold up his head. My heart feels so heavy, in a good way, and pretty soon the joint is being passed back to us and my hits become longer and longer, and before I know it, I'm beginning to feel high. Everything around me feels as if it's moving slower, and my body feels tingly. It's a good feeling though, I find myself laughing at everyone's jokes and feeling comfortable with these complete strangers. I even chime in to conversations, and even though I don't realize it, Gus is sitting back and observing me, feeling a sense of pride that I'm getting along with his friends and roommates.

As more time passes, Gus and I get more comfortable and touchy with each other. My head is sitting in his lap as I look up at him, with my legs dangling over the arm of the couch. Every so often he looks down at me and gives me a smile, his hand drifting through my hair and tingling my scalp. I know I'm high, but being in Gus's lap and feeling the light trace of his fingertips is quite honestly the best feeling in the world. Pretty soon, some of the people start to file out of the house, leaving me, Gus, his few roommates, and a couple of the girls. At this point, Gus and i's attention is completely on each other, slightly whispering and staring at each other, eyelids heavy but feeling content. His roommates begin to get up and head to their rooms, wishing Gus a final happy birthday, as the girls following them up the stairs.

Now, Gus and I are the only one's left in the living room, my head still in his lap. We're laughing at nothing, just soaking up the feeling of being in each other's presence. It's a great feeling, to finally be alone with Gus and know that his attention won't stray from me. I glance at my phone, checking the time, and realize it's well after 2am. "Gus, I should probably head out, it's late," I say.

"Don't leave yetttt," he says in a whiny voice, throwing his head back as if he's pouting. "Plus, I'm not letting you drive while you're high."

I roll my eyes, annoyed at him trying to act like a parent. "I'm barely even buzzed now. I should go home," I say, while not making any effort to move my head from his lap. He looks down at me, and once again, that tension settles between us. I feel his focus drift from my eyes to my lips, mirroring his actions from earlier at the show. And this time, there's no one here to interrupt us. I feel my heartbeat quicken, and Gus leans down closer to my face. We're so close our noses could touch, and in my mind I'm silently begging him to come closer. His eyes burn into mine, and they're the last thing I see before he breaks the distance between us.

His lips meet mine with so much eagerness and hunger, yet they feel gentle and soft; so, so soft. Right as I begin to get comfortable with his lips, he lifts his head back up, causing my eyes to flutter open and take in the uncomfortable angle his head is tilted at. I lift my head up from his lap, sitting all the way up. We stare at each other, his mouth slightly hanging open, eyes glazed over. Before my mind can catch up to my actions, I'm swinging one of my legs over his lap and straddling him, our faces becoming level with each other. I crash my lips back into his, this time with more passion. He kisses me back, softly nibbling on my bottom lip. I feel my hips start to rock against him, causing his hands to slide down my sides and hold me down, pressing me further onto him. I let out a slight moan, and he takes this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, grazing mine. I let him completely take control of the kiss as I feel him slightly lift his hips up from underneath me. Moments pass, and my mind is dizzy from the kiss and lack of oxygen, yet neither of us want to pull away from each other. When we finally do, Gus looks at me and says, "I wanna show you something."

We both stand up, and he leads me up to the stairs to where I assume his bedroom is. My mind can only imagine what it is he wants to show me, yet when we get to his room, he doesn't shove me down on the bed like I expect him to. Instead, he walks over to a laptop sitting on his desk and powers it on. Within a few moments, a song begins to play, and though I've never heard it before, I immediately recognize his voice. I realize that he's showing me the mixtape that isn't out yet. I stand next to where he sits at his desk, closing my eyes and taking in the music he's showing me. Once the song is finished, another one automatically starts up, then another one and another one, until eventually it goes silent and I open my eyes. Gus is staring right at me, biting his lip and waiting for a reaction.

"Those are beautiful. Gus, you have such a way with words, the way you approach these vulnerable subjects, I just... you're so talented. Thank you so much for sharing that with me," I say to him. He doesn't respond, instead he stands up and picks me up at my waist, walking over to the bed and gently laying me on it. He climbs in between my legs, kissing my cheeks and working my way down to my neck. He lays his head on my chest, and I lay there, eyes closed, waiting for him to continue. When he doesn't, I open my eyes and lift my head up, looking down at him and realizing that his eyes are closed. His breathing begins to get deeper, and I'm frozen, not wanting to move and wake him up. I gently kiss the top of his head and wrap my arms around his back, before laying me head back down on the pillow and closing my eyes.

"Happy birthday, peep," I whisper, before sleep envelops me.

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