12 - cuddles and collaborations

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I don't remember falling asleep, but when I wake up I'm still in Gus's arms. Sunlight pours through his blinds, making me guess that we slept through most of the morning. I cuddle up closer to him, and I feel his arm that's wrapped around me squeeze me tight. I sit up on my elbows and observe his sleeping face. I grab my phone from the nightstand and snap a picture before gently kissing his cheek and whispering good morning. His eyes slowly open, grazing over my face before planting a kiss on my lips.

"Good morning babes," he says as he stretches his limbs. I blush at the name.

"Sooo, are we like, officially together?" I ask, feeling shy suddenly.

He laughs, responding, "What, are we in middle school? Yes, Jordan, we're officially together," he says, grabbing both my cheeks with his hands. "Make sure to drop your side hoes."

I scoff at his comment, playfully hitting his bare chest. I pick up my phone again to check my messages, seeing a few from Tracy asking if I got home safe and how my night was. Gus peers over my shoulder as I text him back.

"Hey, you said your friend makes music right? Do you think he would want to collab?" He asks.

"Oh my god, that'd be so cool! I'm sure he'd love to, he really likes your music. I'll send you his contact," I say, smiling as I think about my two boys making music together.

"Sweet, now get back in my arms, we got a lot of cuddling to catch up on," he says, pulling me back against his chest. A smile breaks out on my face, and this time I don't try to hide it.

1,346 likesj0rdn my sleepy boy :)Load more commentsusername20 what?????jessicaaa omg who is thatlilpeep heyyyy >:(tracyminajj finally

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j0rdn my sleepy boy :)
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username20 what?????
jessicaaa omg who is that
lilpeep heyyyy >:(
tracyminajj finally

1,346 likesj0rdn my sleepy boy :)Load more commentsusername20 what?????jessicaaa omg who is thatlilpeep heyyyy >:(tracyminajj finally

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lilpeep wouldn't mind waking up to this every morning
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j0rdn ♥️
username25 wtf who's she
toopoor wow...
tracyminajj y'all are cute... it's nasty

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