8 - late

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I wake up in a small twin bed with a single sheet for covers. The room I'm in reeks of weed, and there's dirty laundry spread all over the floor. For a minute I panic, thrown off by my surroundings, as I'm used to waking up in my neat bedroom that has a consistent smell of lavender, thanks to my plug in air freshener. However, I quickly realize that I'm in the tattooed arms of the boy I've been unwillingly crushing on, my back pressed up against his chest and his leg hooked over mine. I'm flooded with relief, and would quite honestly rather wake up in this state every morning than in my own place.

Well, maybe not. The room itself could use some febreeze.

The bed shifts as Gus stirs awake, and I roll over to face him, our noses almost touching.

"Good morning gorgeous," he says, planting a kiss on my forehead.

I blush at his statement, and respond with a "Good morning Gus," as I stretch my limbs out. I find my phone on the table next to the bed, and turn it on to check the time. Once I realize that it's 11:30am, the panic I felt earlier returns, only much more greater this time. I jump out of bed, rushing to grab my shoes and clothes that I must've slipped off the night before.

"Woah, woah, did I do something?" Gus asks, sitting up on his elbows.

"No, you didn't do anything, I fucking forgot I had class today at 11. Fuck! I'm gonna be so late!" I say, tying my shoes and pulling on my hoodie.

"It's one class, I'm sure it'll be fine," Gus stands there watching me with a slight smile on his face.

"No, Gus, it won't be fine. I don't do this shit anymore. I'm the type of person who actually shows up to class now. I fucked up all throughout high school, I'm lucky enough to even be going to college. I can't afford fucking around anymore if I actually want to go somewhere with my life," I respond, starting to get worked up.

"Hey, I fucked up all throughout high school, I mean I still graduated, but I knew I was never going to college. And I'm doing pretty good," he says, flashing me a cheeky smile.

"Pretty good? Gus, you don't even have a career," I say, sounding harsher than I intend to.

He actually scoffs at me. "Um, hello, you were at my show last night? That's my career."

"Okay, sure, you make a couple hundred every month from that, but what about in the future? Playing in some kid's garage isn't gonna put food on the table forever. Or let you move in to your own place," I respond, not thinking about what I'm saying before it leaves my mouth.

"What the fuck? Maybe I like living here. The fuck? I'm planning on doing this shit for as long as I can. And who are you to judge me and assume that I'm not gonna go some place with this?" He says, his face covered in disgust.

Regret flows through me. "Gus I didn't mean that you're not gonna go far with this, seriously . Your music is great. But maybe just for the time being..." I say, trailing off my sentence.

"Nah, I'm not doing this. You can go. Don't wanna make you anymore late to your class," he says, getting back into his bed and facing away from me. I sight out loud.

"Gus, I'm sorry I didn't realize-"

"What part of 'you can go' do you not understand. Bye," he says, still refusing to face me.

"Fine, I'm just looking out for you," I say, as I start to leave his room.

"Look out for me, who the fuck are you, my mom?" He says, sitting up in bed, voice full of anger. "We didn't even fuck last night and you're already acting like my bitch. I don't need someone telling me how to do my shit."

I feel frozen in his doorway, unable to respond. So instead, I turn on my heels and rush down his stairs and out the front door. I don't let myself cry until I'm at least a block away from his house. The rest of the drive to campus I have tears running down my cheeks, not only because of the way he blew up at me, but because I'm disgusted by my own stupidity. Memories of our night spent together are washed away, replaced with his angry voice echoing in my head. I know that it's my fault though, I was insensitive because of my own shit, and now I fucked up the beginning to something beautiful.

A/N: I'm sorry this is really short, I've had pretty bad writers block and haven't been sure where to go with this story. Thank you guys for reading though, I'm hoping to write more in the next few days :)

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